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Jimmy Hoffa

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Your Character or Steam Name: Max Justice

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

Your Discord ID#: 1237933590545960992

Reason for ban: All sorts of random shit combined.

Length of ban: Forever

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? Before I get berated with insults, I do not care. I'm sick of being treated with indifference because of my Reputation in the Server. I know i'm a Moron, a coward and a Loser. Call me whatever, because at the end of the day I do not care. I used to care, but now I don't. You're all fucking assholes that take every single chance possible to try to get me Banned. There was no sit or ANYTHING really. I just walked into the PD with a Hi-Fi and blasted music. 

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April 12th, appealed and denied.

June 1st, appealed and accepted.

June 9th, banned again. This is what your second or third permanent ban? How do you keep getting into situations like this when every time you say that you won't make the same mistakes again.

Edited by Toast
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While I don't remember *exactly* what you did the day I banned you, I can say with a complete confidence that you were being a minge. You have a grand total of 22 notes/bans over the course of the past 6~ months. You are the definition of a low quality player who shows no signs of reform.

Furthermore, this appeal sounds like it was written by a sulking 12 year old angsty middle schooler who's mad at his classmates for not liking him.

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Failure to take responsibility. Blames others for 'mistreating him' rather than acknowledging these things occur as a direct result of his actions.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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