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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Bullets

Your SteamID:76561199453663450

Your Discord ID#:fortcart.

Reason for ban: NITRP | Mass VDM | LTAP

Length of ban: 7 days

Reason for appeal: I didn't mean to LTAP and I was actually on to RP but I got a little bored and started VDMing, I was planning to join a family but they started KOSing me and I noticed every time I made a ticket no staff where on so I was running them over, That turned into me running other people over because I was having fun doing that.  I didn't LTAP it was almost 6am when I got offline and I got on at 4am I was fully ready to get in a sit but it took too long and I was really tired I fully admit to Mass VDM but as it was my first offence maybe you could give me a slap on the wrist or a reduced ban.
Why should you be unbanned? Because I want to play the server sooner then a week and I promise I won't purposefully VDM people when I am unbanned even if you don't unban me now.  I whole heartly apologize for running all those people over

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I banned you for 7 days because you kept coming back and running people over. Mass VDM is the same as mass RDM and it isn't just a warning since multiple people made tickets for it. I had gotten on at around 5 so your ticket didn't show up for me. They also reported you breaking NLR, which I didn't list but I was shown a clip of you coming back. If you hold tab, you can see how many staff are online. And since this is your first time getting banned, I would be fine with it getting reduced to 3 days.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 3 days.

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