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citos ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: mado

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868

Your Discord ID: _.cito__

Reason for Ban: NITRP 

Length of Ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal: (Apology) To start this off, let me make it known that I acknowledge that I have not been banned for a significant amount of time compared to the length of my ban aka infinite, but I have thought about this. To put this bluntly, I regret my actions throughout my time playing this server, whether it was being a rule breaking, mug character, spam associate on all of the factions, to acting retarded while in Triad, or finally having a faction of my own and being so split between listening to infamy and all of my "friends" in Olympus and couping my faction (Sombras Do Parana) or sticking with Commission that I actually tried to and failed obviously. Throughout my time on the server I was forgiven time and again, whether it was by Quartz/Basel, or the staff, TrippyHippy, JJ, Iolaire, Yort, Twisty, and anyone else who gave me chance on chance to finally prove myself, though I would always somehow fall short. It's safe to say that the timing of my ban was not the best considering all of the cool shit that released following my ban. I would like to apologize again to Rem, I understand now that it definitely would look like someone trolling if you remember my ban appeal, even if I did not intend for it to. I would like to apologize to anyone who I have had a negative interaction with in the past, there are many who would most likely not remember me in a positive light. But that brings me to the main reasons I decided to appeal, following my ban, there were many friends of mine who messaged me, they wished for me to appeal the ban so I could continue participating in the RP with them, but even then, with all of their support, I felt that it was not the best time to appeal it. I wanted the next time to be different, I wanted it to be a fair amount of time hoping almost that people might forget about me, allowing me to start anew, yet I realized that was not a feasible option, considering how I acted in the past. I decided rather than wait, hope that people forgot who I was and what I did, maybe just owning up to what I've done and trying to change was the better alternative. This definitely is not the longest ban appeal anyone's ever seen, but I hope that through my words, you can somewhat see the thought behind this appeal and how deeply I have been contemplating even posting this in the first place. 

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Ill train him to meta game better please let the weirdo back so we can rp stuff about cops being corrupt or some shit




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The previous appeal for reference: 

16 bans, 15 notes

You first Joined March 6th, 2021. Accumulating a total playtime of 38 days.

Not including this current ban you have spent a combined 68.75 days banned.

That means you spent ~181% of your time here banned.

Your current ban was issued issued on April 26th, 2024. You have spent 59 days banned since then.

You may re-appeal this ban on August 28th, 2024.



Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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