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reposted ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: mado
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515445868
Your Discord ID: _.cito__
Reason for Ban: NITRP | Extensive PO's
Length of Ban: 1 week
Reason for Appeal (Apology/Dispute): To start off I would like to apologize, obviously speaking, as someone who's been playing this server for a significant amount of time, I know better, it was not proper or right of me to spend time minging to waste police time, as well as then taking up time by spamming my cigarette while in the cell for about a minute straight. I won't sit on the forums to lie, I won't use this as a chance to claim that I didn't know any better, that I was not aware of the rules, I simply wish to take responsibility. I completely understand why this was a issue, the only part I have a dispute with is in my personal opinion, it was not something that was that major of a issue to warrant a ban. Like I said, I typically am aware of the rules, whether its from personal experience, or from watching others, but typically I see warnings being given before a ban is issued, my last ban for NITRP was March 5th, 2023, it has been a full year since I was last banned for NITRP, so I was confused when I was issued no warning at all for it, just immediately being banned, I even stopped spamming the cigarette once I realized it might get me in trouble. Once again, I will not sit here to lie to you, I have done nothing but ruin my own reputation for a majority of the time I've played the server, there's many who would agree with this, since last being banned for NITRP I have been banned 11 times, it's only now that with a mix of IRL shit that has happened, and other contributing factors that I was able to gain insight into life and gain care for how I appear to others. There's a good amount of people that can vouch that throughout these past few months I have tried to do my best, obviously throughout it there's been many times where I've been a retard, MANY TIMES, but within these past months I was able to do more, than throughout almost 3 years of playing. I've made my mistakes, this being one of them, whether I'm banned or reduced/unbanned, this is another experience I can think about if I ever think about doing something dumb like this again. 
Why Should I be Unbanned: Thank you for your time and consideration, have a good day.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 48h.

Edited by Boomroasted
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