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Kazuraki Akiyama PK Appeal

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5 minutes ago, Thinner said:

dons orders are dons orders sorry dude 🤷‍♂️

prepare to have your reply deleted ! 

Do not reply on a pk you are not involved in.

Also when you say "dons orders are dons orders" it makes you sound dumb, especially when the dons orders are invalid !

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My previous message was deleted, for some reason (I was your LT), but heres some things I witnessed that weighed into your death:

It took you having a fire arm pointed at you by high command, before you gave your capo and LT your F3
You were seen many times disrespecting people, and telling them what to do ingame

There most likely have been more reasons, but these are the largest ones that I have personally witnessed IC and reported to high command ingame.

> You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK.
I've been lobbying for your death, I even witnessed your death, and cleaned it up. I have also brought up many reasons for you to go. You weren't Pk'd for just 1 reason, its been a collection of reasons, all starting from when you got this new char.

Edited by WaffleDevs
As to not flood the reply chain, I added the response here.
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6 minutes ago, WaffleDevs said:

My previous message was deleted, for some reason (I was your LT), but heres some things I witnessed that weighed into your death:

It took you having a fire arm pointed at you by high command, before you gave your capo and LT your F3
You were seen many times disrespecting people
, and telling them what to do ingame

There most likely have been more reasons, but these are the largest ones that I have personally witnessed IC and reported to high command ingame.


You know i really do wonder as to WHY your message was deleted 🤔🤔🤔

I suggest you read up on the rules, before you get suspended like i did, lol.

Your message was deleted for a reason.



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I was shown Multiple clips of other times you have disrespected HC of the faction or allied factions and have been warned about doing so. This would make their reason for the PK valid. You agree to the faction rules upon joining if you don't follow them you have the chance to get pked if they wish to do so.

Also stop remaking chars with the same last name you have been PKed as something Akiyama 3 times already. 

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by James
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