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Jmoorsey's Staff Application V2


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In-Game Name(s): Kazuraki Akiyama, Matteo Romano
Steam Name: Jmoorsey
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198814854107/
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427294189
Discord Username: Jmoorsey
Age: 15
When did you first join the server: Aug. Of last year.
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 45 days, 15 hours, 38 minutes
Time Zone: EST
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 hours everyday, or every other day.
Have you read the rules?: Yes.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.
Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes.
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes.
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes.
Long Answer
Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum.

What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I want to start fresh on diverge by making a staff application, to show im trying my best to turn a new leaf. I think I could genuinely make diverge a better place by moderating. Becoming staff is my #1 goal on Diverge Networks, I feel as if becoming a staff member in the diverge community is the only real way to sort of "redeem" myself for all my past transgressions, atoning in a way.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I think my motivation is unlike any others, the ammount of effort I have tried putting into Diverge to keep myself from getting banned or warned is immense, if I am being honest, these past 3 months of me not getting banned has been the best diverge exerience ive had.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Not on diverge networks, i do faintly remember moderating a small DarkRP server that shut down early last year.

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Unfortunately, yes. You can find my entire ban list at: https://bans.divergenet.works/?player=STEAM_0:1:427294189

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say yes, I am known in the Diverge community, but not necessarily in a good way, from my perspective, I have a mostly negitive reputation due to me taking a lot of things lightly, or non-seriously.

What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: I once preformed a PK in a faction, where we were leading a guy into a hotel room. As soon as he opened the bathroom door to the room, my fellow faction member (Jxy3) opened fire on the person we were PK'ing, missing about two mags with a Colt M45 SOC, and being saved by Plixily. (Miss you Plixily)

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Previous staff member Lomac.
Problem Solving
Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take.

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If im not busy, I will get on duty and take any tickets made, if i happen to be doing something in the current moment, i will finish up whatever i would be doing, and take any tickets that have been made.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: If i KNOW its abuse, i will either make a staff report, or speak to Rem, or higher moderation to confirm that the actions made by the said staff member were considered abuse, I would then let UA take care of the situation.

A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute 
possible bias?: If the evidence provided against my friend / faction member was obviously against the rules, i would proceed with the staff sit like any other staff member would, proceeding to ban / warn them accordingly.

Note: This is not a joke application, please give honest opinions in replies. V V V

Edited by Jmoorsey
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actually insane ^

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As much of a minge that he once was I got to agree with flamingo. Yes he gets pk most than anyone else for the stupidest reasons. But he does rp better than most others as well. There is no doubt he has changed from his old ways. His activity in the city is higher than most other staff members so I believe he will be doing tickets and hopefully getting people unstuck from dupes. 



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+1 Eh... He's alright guy... App is decent, MAYBE possibly he'll be a good staff

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Just now, Gent said:


+1 Eh... He's alright guy... App is decent, MAYBE possibly he'll be a good staff


Bro you coulda left the first part out.




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Despite only ever seeing this guy as a minge, he's recently changed for the better. I've been noticing a lot more positive RP interactions, and a lot less staff sits involving him. Biggest turn around of the year, and I believe he deserves a chance to prove his major increase in maturity here, too. 


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+1 kicked you from the polish discord a few times but from what I've heard you're not as big of a minge as you used to be and can be pretty chill.

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-1 You're a bozo

Edited by xDutchCat
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-1 I don't honestly mind the minge. However, as someone who wants to be a staff or be in a position of power in which you must monitor others, enforce and understand rules , one must have the maturity and level headedness to carry out those task. From all the encounters and even the most recent one of last week of this posting, I do not feel like this person has the maturity nor is going to be able to make judgements and decisions that isn't clouded by their feelings and emotions at all times. While I have had some decent RP encounters with this person, I cannot at this moment feel confidence in that he will be a fair staff who will take his duties seriously. Maturity is the biggest concern as you cannot let someone get to you and you shouldn't present a childish behavior if an outcome is not in your favor or perhaps if someone doesn't like you or you don't like them. Knowing how to talk (especially since most communication will be online via chat) with others and resolve issues or conflicts is very important. 

Everyone does deserve a chance and from what others have said, It does seem like this person is changing for the better. Maybe with some monitoring, and training by other members on the staff team, this person could turn out to be a asset to the staff team. The community will throw all situations good, bad, or even out right cruel ones at you during your time as staff. It is how you go about handling these situations that will define you as someone who is beneficial or not. Best of luck to you!

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5 minutes ago, TheTacticalNinja said:

-1 I don't honestly mind the minge. However, as someone who wants to be a staff or be in a position of power in which you must monitor others, enforce and understand rules , one must have the maturity and level headedness to carry out those task. From all the encounters and even the most recent one of last week of this posting, I do not feel like this person has the maturity nor is going to be able to make judgements and decisions that isn't clouded by their feelings and emotions at all times. While I have had some decent RP encounters with this person, I cannot at this moment feel confidence in that he will be a fair staff who will take his duties seriously. Maturity is the biggest concern as you cannot let someone get to you and you shouldn't present a childish behavior if an outcome is not in your favor or perhaps if someone doesn't like you or you don't like them. Knowing how to talk (especially since most communication will be online via chat) with others and resolve issues or conflicts is very important. 

Everyone does deserve a chance and from what others have said, It does seem like this person is changing for the better. Maybe with some monitoring, and training by other members on the staff team, this person could turn out to be a asset to the staff team. The community will throw all situations good, bad, or even out right cruel ones at you during your time as staff. It is how you go about handling these situations that will define you as someone who is beneficial or not. Best of luck to you!

Marking my post as dumb somewhat makes my point. I don't know you well aside from our game encounters and discord nor do I have anything against you. You seem to already have a lot of support behind you. Even if you don't currently have my support. What I had hope is that you reflected on what I said in my post and took it as feedback. If you don't have the maturity to understand other people's viewpoint of you and just see them as thinking of you in a negative way, how are you going to resolve situations where you're in charge and have the power to punish people. You're going to deal with many different people and of many different ages. Some will be older, and some will be younger than you. A kid on a video game is gonna react the way they want regardless if they are in the right or wrong. If someone acts childish towards you, how are you as a member of the staff team going to react to that? These are the things you're going have to deal with and think about. 

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7 minutes ago, TheTacticalNinja said:

Marking my post as dumb somewhat makes my point. I don't know you well aside from our game encounters and discord nor do I have anything against you. You seem to already have a lot of support behind you. Even if you don't currently have my support. What I had hope is that you reflected on what I said in my post and took it as feedback. If you don't have the maturity to understand other people's viewpoint of you and just see them as thinking of you in a negative way, how are you going to resolve situations where you're in charge and have the power to punish people. You're going to deal with many different people and of many different ages. Some will be older, and some will be younger than you. A kid on a video game is gonna react the way they want regardless if they are in the right or wrong. If someone acts childish towards you, how are you as a member of the staff team going to react to that? These are the things you're going have to deal with and think about. 


i marked it as dumb because it confused the fuck out of me. 



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3 hours ago, MxR said:

After jmoorsey joined my faction, I thought we were going to pk him within the day or two. I thought he was going to not take anything seriously, but he has been doing great and has been changing everyones thoughts of him inside the Cassanos. He has been roleplaying and has been very active. I have changed my image of him. He has impressed everyone here, and I hope he continues to impress everyone else outside of my faction, because I definitely think he would be great if he is taken seriously. He is genuinely trying his best to change his reputation for the better. I think he finally deserves this.


Perfectly said. Jmoorsey came to me really wanting to try Italian LARP so I took a chance on him and he has been doing great. Completely a different dude from the guy a couple months back, if he puts this level of effort in staff I’m sure he will do good.

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+1 give the boy a chance, mans RP is surprisingly good for the mongoloid he might be; I'm sure he'll take it somewhat seriously.

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This guy helped me like 8 months ago when I was starting out on diverge, and set me up. Hes a good guy and nice fellah. +1

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As much as I despise you and truly hate you I do believe staff can change you for the better



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+1 I have to agree with the majority of people here on how you have changed, With that being said i think you could potentially be a great staff member.

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+1 let little bro join staff, very mingy but eh roleplayer

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image.png.2de6781dd77e4d393f7be8193a00e508.pnglil bro trying to get me to +1 his app smh -1 

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19 minutes ago, String said:

image.png.2de6781dd77e4d393f7be8193a00e508.pnglil bro trying to get me to +1 his app smh -1 

you already +1'd it, now you -1'ing it?? 😭😂

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I've known this mf for almost his entire MafiaRP career, and throughout all of it there we're only a few times where he was actually smart and not mingey. He is sometimes the biggest dickhead you could ever meet, but really hes just goofing around. If he is REALLY serious about being an administrator and actually wanting to be NOT retarded, I think he could be good, but hes tried to change many times in the past and never really has. BUT, if he CAN really change, then I fw with it heavy vro ❤️

+1 :3

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3 hours ago, Thinner said:

I've known this mf for almost his entire MafiaRP career, and throughout all of it there we're only a few times where he was actually smart and not mingey. He is sometimes the biggest dickhead you could ever meet, but really hes just goofing around. If he is REALLY serious about being an administrator and actually wanting to be NOT retarded, I think he could be good, but hes tried to change many times in the past and never really has. BUT, if he CAN really change, then I fw with it heavy vro ❤️

+1 :3


Never using the ":3" because of you motherfucker. Shits embarrassing to have you reply on my posts 😭😭😭




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he is not that guy

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18 Notes & 13 Bans. -1

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7 minutes ago, Toast said:

18 Notes & 13 Bans. -1

i mean like ive stated before ive changed my ways in diverge. Theres not much else for me to say. 🤷


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