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Extortion Rules

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Make guidelines for extortion:


Extortion is a valid form of RP, which is something that hasn't been covered yet in the PK Guidelines, I think that it would be really helpful if this was touched on, For instance I wanted to extort someone a few days ago, yet there was no proper explanation or system on how it worked. Canadian had to send me a voice clip explaining on how to do it. And I think that it would enhance RP. If this was a thing. Because factions would have to be more careful, And not just commit crimes out in the open.

For instance, in the last few days alone, I've seen several criminal organisations blatantly shoot people for disagreeing with them or insulting them. [This isn't the proper way to handle the rp, they should do a fist-fight before any guns get involved, but what can you do]. This would be punishing as factions that want to oppose eachother can get dirt on eachother. 

This would also make the server more interesting, As a War hasn't happend in quite some time. 

Also in my ticket Canadian disagreed on civilians extorting criminal factions, which I agree. However maybe certain conditions could be met where this would be allowed, with the assistance of foreign aid. Or corrupt police or something like that. 

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I'm all for more criminal RP and adding extortion as being more of a possibility but I'm going to be real, if a civilian tried to extort me, I'm going to shoot them in the head. (Granted I would probably just shoot anyone trying to extort me but 🤷‍♂️)

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As a example on how I as a civilian wanted to extort someone: 

Get IC info through cameras and recordings + wires. Send a messanger to threaten the organisation for money. And clear up all tracks. 

[Although, I wouldn't say that I'm a actual civilian, more like a self employed criminal lol]

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As I explained in the ticket you had made extortion is near impossible as it would be silly for non associated civilians to have the ability to extort made men of a criminal organization. If you tried to extort them they would simply PK you (at their own risk). If you want to extort or handle conflicts between groups join an existing faction and become affiliated.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah I completely get that, All I'm saying is that I feel like there should still be guidelines for extortion, as right now its pretty vague. 

[Also another reason I think it would be good is, because 90% off the staff didn't even know how you would go about extorting someone, And the PK guidelines for it]

Edited by LoadedBullet
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Extortion in the real life comes mainly from criminal organizations taking advantage of small to medium size legal businesses or singular individuals who usually first owe money to said organizations, we don’t really have enough legal businesses or normal civilians borrowing money from criminal organizations (Loan sharking) it just doesn’t seem that viable to allow extortion on major levels in the server some situations it could work but I don’t think this would work good in practice, and I don’t see why a civilian would be extorting a criminal organization you would almost never see that in real life. It could work to some extent but I don’t believe it’s that viable.

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Yeah,  I mean I can see your point on Civilians not being able to extort Criminal Organizations, But there should still be guidelines for Criminal Organizations to extort eachother. [Referring to PK Guidelines]

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1 hour ago, LoadedBullet said:

Yeah,  I mean I can see your point on Civilians not being able to extort Criminal Organizations, But there should still be guidelines for Criminal Organizations to extort eachother. [Referring to PK Guidelines]

An attempt to extort another criminal organization would never end well or would end very quickly due to several factors it may work but I don’t think they want wars over stupid shit

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2 hours ago, Canadian-bacon said:

As I explained in the ticket you had made extortion is near impossible as it would be silly for non associated civilians to have the ability to extort made men of a criminal organization. If you tried to extort them they would simply PK you (at their own risk). If you want to extort or handle conflicts between groups join an existing faction and become affiliated.

no group wants him his rp is dog shit, guy sits here complaining about rp but he simply can't even rp a good name for himself "Ragnar Lothbrok" what a rp name for 1988 new york. 

As for your suggestion, its retarded 

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6 hours ago, RaeSlaughter said:

no group wants him his rp is dog shit, guy sits here complaining about rp but he simply can't even rp a good name for himself "Ragnar Lothbrok" what a rp name for 1988 new york. 

As for your suggestion, its retarded 

so instead of acctually providing a valid point for why you don't like extortion rules, you are going to just try and flame me for past rp. From a char i no longer use.

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2 hours ago, LoadedBullet said:


so instead of acctually providing a valid point for why you don't like extortion rules, you are going to just try and flame me for past rp. From a char i no longer use.

It isn’t the worst idea but it is pretty stupid don’t see a need to disrespect you though 😂

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