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Izumi's pet flag ban apology


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Your Name: Izumi

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/

Staff Member involved: Monaclu. (3rd note ban)

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Props, physics gun, tool gun.

Reason for blacklist (if given): Too many notes

Why should they be returned?: I had originally made a dispute for two of my flag notes, it was denied and after observing my previous ban and taking into account the comments I received I realize I was in the wrong. I'd like to apologize to all staff members involved who had to made notes on me Adam, Lomac and Monaclu. I'm sorry for misusing my props I realize props are a privilege I'd like to continue to build on Diverge servers, if I'm allowed my flags back going forward, I promise to use them for approved RP purposes only and will ask a staff member in advance before I build something I'm usure of being allowed.  Thank you.

Edited by Izumi
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how did you misspell my name twice

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O_O I fixed it I'm sorry.

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+ 1

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Please, I'm the only one who builds, and our group is dying because of me, I'm very sorry. I mean it when I say I won't abuse my props I've learned from my mistakes, I will only use them for approved RP purposes. We have this nice new room at the motel that was added to the map and nobody can use it because nobody builds and we can't afford to commission a dupe.


Edited by Izumi
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We need Izumi's build powers! One of the best builders on the server!!!! 💪

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its been long enough. By the way if you misuse again there is slim chance we will accept a second time.


Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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