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Pk Appeal


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Name of Character: Ichiro Xiao-Ding

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:203852801

Your Discord ID#: dutch_redemption

Date of PK: 16th June 2024

Reason for PK: Lost a gunfight against a cop

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: After consulting with a staff member I was told to do this pk appeal as the pk itself had broken some rules. Namely, the fact I did not initiate the gunfight but instead the cop who shot first (act of self-defense). In this case, the act of self-defense was because the cop was shooting my friend who stole their car and I defended my friend.

I was told that because the cop initiated the act of violence that I should not get pked.

I also do not appreciate that the player who called for the staff sit was disrespectful, laughing on my face as if getting someone pked is their greatest achievement in life. On top of this, the staff member who did not even let me speak because the player was saying "100k" for not pking my char and I thought I could give the 100k to not get pked and the staff member did not even let me speak nor tell my side of the story. The only thing the staff member had to say was to laugh alongside the player + just telling me I was gonna get pked as if that is fair. And a staff member told me that saying someone´s not getting pked if they pay 100k is against the rules and I was not aware of this and the staff member pking me ignored a rule breaking just because he wanted my char to get pked ignoring the whole situation and context (I mean, not even caring to ask me about what happened in the first place)

I was not even given the chance to ask questions about the pk. This is really frustrating.

Check the logs to see who shot first. (99% sure it was the cop who initiated it). He might have missed some shots against my friend who stole his car and against me but pretty sure it was them.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I don´t (I´m a dumbass who forgot to activate medal and clip the whole situation).

Edited by Winchester
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Seems to me like you started the fight with the cop. Happens all the time. Cop shoots someone else doesn't realize that they have a buddy and that buddy kills the cop. This time, you're the buddy and draws on the cop and yet you ended up dead. Self-defense is about protecting yourself, not someone else...

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Hello I am the admin who handled the PK Ticket, you were PKd due to initiating a fight with the police, in this fight you had killed a cop (the probie), after killing that officer another officer behind you killed you.

While yes it is true the cop shot your friend, the cop did not shoot you so to say it was "self-defense" in my eyes is unjustified. You were not defending yourself you were defending your friend, a friend who committed an illegal action. The cop did not attack you until you had initiated the gun fight with him. If the cop had directly attacked you first this would be a different story, but that is not what happened here.

heres the PK clip for context: https://streamable.com/7murnb


8 hours ago, Winchester said:

the staff member who did not even let me speak because the player was saying "100k" for not pking my char and I thought I could give the 100k to not get pked and the staff member did not even let me speak nor tell my side of the story.

I specifically asked if you understand what was happening, you didnt reply with any sort of question, all you said after that was towards the cop and you said "what can i do to not get pkd" to that said he said "100k" likely in a joking manner, eitherway that would never be accepted and youd get pkd regardless.

Edited by JJ_
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1 hour ago, Winchester said:

After consulting with a staff member I was told to do this pk appeal as the pk

Which staff member did you consult with? I believe you may have misunderstood them or had some other miscommunication.

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6 hours ago, Canadian-bacon said:

Which staff member did you consult with? I believe you may have misunderstood them or had some other miscommunication.

I believe his staff name is Spaceium (my bad if written wrong)


7 hours ago, JJ_ said:

I specifically asked if you understand what was happening, you didnt reply with any sort of question, all you said after that was towards the cop and you said "what can i do to not get pkd" to that said he said "100k" likely in a joking manner, eitherway that would never be accepted and youd get pkd regardless.

Even if it was in a joking manner he still said it in a staff sit and you did not intervene. Also when you pulled me into the staff sit I was saying "oh no, not again, it was a fair fight" because I guessed it was for me to be pked and it is frustrating to lose a character. When I read your question, I was going to answer and all of a sudden my char gets pked. I got no time to answer. Honestly, the fact the guy was laughing and I was being laughed at does not help in a staff sit man.


7 hours ago, TheTacticalNinja said:

Seems to me like you started the fight with the cop. Happens all the time. Cop shoots someone else doesn't realize that they have a buddy and that buddy kills the cop. This time, you're the buddy and draws on the cop and yet you ended up dead. Self-defense is about protecting yourself, not someone else...

I was protecting myself too because the clip only shows the gunfight situation and the person robbing the car, but it does not show me almost getting killed by a random woman and previous interactions with the cop. I felt my life in danger and also my friend´s life in danger. I acted accordingly to save my friend´s skin and my own skin, especially taking into consideration the cop is corrupt and all that. It is not just a matter of self-defence but also the cop initiated the violence by trying to arrest me and also by shooting at a friendly and therefore I also felt he was gonna shoot at me.

Overall I think this situation could have been handled much better from both parties (both cops and myself) because in the heat of the moment you only think about saving your skin so don´t be so harsh on me. No one likes to lose a character. If I can get a chance to play on the character again then so be it, I would be grateful

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Ok so a lot to break down here based on claims, I will do my best to address everything.


23 hours ago, Winchester said:

After consulting with a staff member I was told to do this pk appeal as the pk itself had broken some rules

I asked the staff member about this and they believe there be some sort of miscommunication. They state they simply answered some questions and never reviewed a clip, nor were they responding in a 'staff capacity'.


23 hours ago, Winchester said:

the fact I did not initiate the gunfight but instead the cop who shot first (act of self-defense)

This would be correct if   1) The cop shot YOU and 2) You didn't have a gun out (for the duration of the clip you had a gun out the whole time)

23 hours ago, Winchester said:

In this case, the act of self-defense was because the cop was shooting my friend who stole their car and I defended my friend.

I think you are confusing the Server Killing Rules with PK rules. This is a valid reason to shoot a cop, meaning you can shoot them this and it is not RDM, so not a rulebreak. A rule valid kill. However you take an inherent risk whenever you engage police and can still be pk'ed if you die. 

  • If an Officer shoots your faction member/friend, while it may be within server rules for you to defend them if you choose to do so and are killed you are still PK'ed. It's an in character choice and consequence you risk when deciding to engage police.
23 hours ago, Winchester said:

sit was disrespectful, laughing on my face

Video game, people are jackasses, has no bearing on validity.

23 hours ago, Winchester said:

ould give the 100k to not get pked

Sounds like a joke/being a jackass, again does not affect validity.

15 hours ago, Winchester said:

cop initiated the violence by trying to arrest me and also by shooting at a friendly

No, addressed and explained.


The clip is ~20 seconds long. Here are the facts of the clip. The clip was taken by another officer. There are two officers in this situation.
We can see at the beginning that you have a gun out and are pointing it at the cop, we also see your friend is dead. However, he decides to NOT shoot you, even though he is within his right to, he tells you once or twice to put the gun down/put your hands up, the Officer then turns around to deal with and shoot at someone who just stole his cop car and was going to try and run them over. He fires on that person, not at you at all and when his back is turned to you, you then gun him down.

Even if he did shoot you before the clip (hearsay) you did not immediately react and the rp continued, giving you ample opportunity to surrender. Instead you saw and took the opportunity to kill him (unaware another cop was behind you). A very obvious choice and calculated risk.

I see no server rule being broken here that would invalidate this PK.

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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