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PK Appeal


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Name of Character: Walter Schreiber 

SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198001914084

Your Discord ID#: Vaoone

Date of PK: 6/16/2024

Reason for PK: No reason, got shot by a double barrel shotgun and instantly got PK

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I'm going to keep this short and simple. I deserve to not be PK because it was not a valid PK. I was just walking around exploring the new map and someone with a shotgun shot me for no reason at all (minge probably).  This happen around 2:20am. I'm not sure if this is a new glitch that is happening with the new map or maybe a bug, but all the rules were broken. Some person literally shot me for no reason at 2am and I died. I was simply just running around the new map and exploring. If there is any way I can get unPK'd that would be much appreciated. I've been on this server for more than a year, losing this char would mean I would lose a lot of progress and that is something I don't want to lose just because I was shot for no reason at all. 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

The only evidence I have is the player ID 

[DEATH] 08:28:25 UTC - 16/06/2024 - You were killed by 130214 [130214]


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You were Pk'd by dons orders bubs. You left the faction and haven't been in the city to face the consequences

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He didn't leave... He was pulled over BY Hymie. When Hymie split Pruszkowsa in two he pulled a bunch of members INCLUDING him over which counts as permission due to Hymie being Don at the time. Furthermore, he was in our faction for 8 months which is FAR beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!

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1 minute ago, Spaceium said:

He didn't leave... He was pulled over BY Hymie. When Hymie split Pruszkowsa in two he pulled a bunch of members INCLUDING him over which counts as permission due to Hymie being Don at the time. Furthermore, he was in our faction for 8 months which is FAR beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!

Its 2 weeks to set the order, then after that they in theory can stay open to pk forever. (Read PK Guidelines)

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1 minute ago, anzati1 said:

Its 2 weeks to set the order, then after that they in theory can stay open to pk forever. (Read PK Guidelines)


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1 minute ago, Spaceium said:



Then why even bring up the "beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!"?

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4 hours ago, anzati1 said:

Then why even bring up the "beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!"?

To provide even further context


4 hours ago, anzati1 said:

Its 2 weeks to set the order, then after that they in theory can stay open to pk forever. (Read PK Guidelines)

This guy was Transferred over by Hymie along with EVERY OTHER WIESS member back in October of 2023. and if as you say they have 2 weeks to set them, is there a Screenshot to prove they set him active? Or Logs? Finally, Monte was not in Pruszkowksa during this time, as he was kicked for some "controversy" MONTHS prior to the move over.

One last thing, he changed his name and face since then, so how would they have known who to kill? Seems like they might of metagame the actual kill too

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Hey morning guys and Happy Father's Day! Look at Spaceium post he said it perfectly I've always had approval and have been in the faction for a while, more than 2 weeks! The whole situation doesn't make any sense. I don't care if I'm RDMED at 2am on a Saturday night but to be PK what is that? I'm sure player 130214 [130214] has a clip of shooting me. I'd like to see that clip because to tell you the truth there is no way they could have found me or even knew who I was with the new leaderboard system.  There were 50 players online last night at 2am and I got on late to view the new map and show my support to the server. I'm thinking someone had the wrong guy 100% even when I died, I went onto my cop char and even that char was in some sort of locked admin room. I called the admin (Falcon) and he thought it was strange as well (thanks for your help btw). 


Thanks, guys, for your help and have a good Sunday!

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There is no real evidence of metagame. Looking into it, even if it was an accidental kill, the servers system requires it to be a member of your own faction (and it was) it would still be a valid PK purely because you were still set active from the dons orders. 

When investigating this, I also assumed it was a little odd considering the dates and times. I was told "8 months ago" you were transferred out and given full permission by the Don at the time.

So I got to digging, my earlier replies were wrong, I re-checked logs and I think everyone included on this forum was a little confused by two different situations. As everyone knows, Weiss turned into Takashi.

On the 22nd of April, 2024, you loaded a character that was in Pruz faction. 11:17PM


On the 22nd of April, 2024, you were transfered, by Spaceium. at 11:46PM


On the 24th of April, 2024, the orders were set.


Logs for faction transfers go back 4 months, orders were set within 1 day, 2 hours, and 41 minutes of you leaving the faction. Which leads this to be a valid PK. Even after with DMing Spaceium, he said you were given orders by a Don, yet, the only proof he was able to provide, was by a Capo. Which means you did not have permission to leave. Spaceium also noted that he does not remember transferring you, yet the logs show otherwise and that right there, is the reason you were pked.


Sorry once again for all of the confusion, I assumed all of this was one giant situation and one single log search that I did improperly made me believe it truly was a false pk. But after getting some different eyes on the situation, it is 100% valid.

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The PK is clearly valid it looks like Spaceium is just defending this guy because hes in his faction. No disrespect but someone had to say it.

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From what I can see you barely played for a while then came back played a bit talked to some people then left Pruszkowska and went straight to Tekashi Kai then a day later they put an order out on you for you leave the faction, you then played a bit changed your name then left and came back 2 months later and they still wanted to kill you over the order that was put out which is fair enough. this doesn't seem like a misunderstanding just seems like you didn't get permission to leave and then they killed you and the fact they remembered in a way shows that you were Important enough for them to want to get it done. I'm not sure what Spacium is saying about you getting permission from Hyme as he had quit the server long before this happened and was not Don at the time if you had left back when he was and he gave permission then that would be different but the fact you didn't, you came back and carried on to RP for a bit and I assume you talked to members of Pruszkowska so they knew of your existence and that you have come back after your break at this point any deals with a former don from a year ago that may or may not have happened don't really matter.

So all in all, you were in the faction you left and they put the order out the day later, you left the server and came back, the order was still out and valid so they killed you. Like anzati said before once the order is out it is valid until they cancel it.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by James
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