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Reznov PK Appeal


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Name of Character: Viktor Reznov

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170167974

Your Discord ID#: Maracia

Date of PK: Jun 14

Reason for PK: Losing a gunfight?

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:
I was always told that you could only lose a character via gunfight if it was by the cops or other similar authority figure because violence between criminal organizations is always pretty inevitable. Cops you at least have to deliberately fuck with. I also found it carried out in the sit rather unprofessionally, as the video link I was given did not work and while I was trying to ask questions about it both the staff member and person calling a sit started just laughing at me as I was trying to understand the situation.

I just ask for a little leniency so that I can start the new map with the character I've sunk some time into and have become quite attached to.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i4q1ImOUEGd2bn49S/llOMnfvqNQU6?invite=cr-WSwyM3ksMjM0MDk4MDk0LA

That is the clip the staff member gave me, but it is broken on my end so I am not sure what the justification of this PK is aside from "haha you lost a gunfight"

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PKing admin here.

You were told why you were PKed and the entire situation because your link wasn't working.

You were pked because you failed an attempt at a mugging, you put someone under fearrp and gave them the command of "hold still jew", that person retaliated and managed to kill you. This is called a classic failed mug.

Now if you say you wearn't trying to mug him, you 

1. Held a gun to his head.

2. Gave him a direct command and expected him to comply.

3. Had restraints in your inventory and a pistol only. (nothing else basically).


If you want leniency on this, you should've read the rules. Including the PK guidelines.

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9 minutes ago, anzati1 said:


You were pked because you failed an attempt at a mugging, you put someone under fearrp and gave them the command of "hold still jew", that person retaliated and managed to kill you. This is called a classic failed mug.

If you want leniency on this, you should've read the rules. Including the PK guidelines.


I understand that, but I didn't offer any commands to insinuate it was a mugging at all. I could have just been asking a few questions, but we'd never know due to him wigging out on me like that.

Regardless, I'm just asking for a little bit of mercy here due to a misunderstanding of how those interactions go.

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You must have a valid reason to place someone under fear RP (Valid Mugging, Valid Kidnapping or any Valid Kill reason); placing someone under Fear RP


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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