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Vincent Santoro Pk appeal


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Name of Character: Vincent Santoro

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:579206874

Your Discord ID#: dschinghiskhan

Date of PK: 6/11/2024

Reason for PK: N/A

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:  I should be un-PKed because I was in front of an NPC, so I couldn't be mugged. Additionally, I was AFK, so there could not have been any altercation. If this is because I got kicked out of the Bonnanos, it has been way longer than two weeks.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A

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You were not kicked you left after the failed coupe with lucky russo and sicily sal, you had orders on you before you left the discord, I gave the orders on you around the same time I gave the orders on everyone else in the coupe, in regards to a npc you can be pked infront of a npc but not robbed which you were not and not to mention that the NPC you got whacked infront of is a drug dealer npc.

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5 minutes ago, RaeSlaughter said:

You were not kicked you left after the failed coupe with lucky russo and sicily sal, you had orders on you before you left the discord, I gave the orders on you around the same time I gave the orders on everyone else in the coupe, in regards to a npc you can be pked infront of a npc but not robbed which you were not and not to mention that the NPC you got whacked infront of is a drug dealer npc.

im sorry what? i did not know about any coup and i didnt leave out of free will

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. When you join a crime family you accept the risk of being PK'd under dons orders. Your appeal doesn't really show anything against the rules and as stated above you were dons ordered as they believed a coup attempt was taking place.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by Boomroasted
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