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SnowCSX's Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: SnowCSX

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198356296813

Your Discord ID#: snowcsx_

Reason for ban: LTAP, FAILRP, METAGAME And Lying to Staff (i dont remember if there was another reason, as it was quite a long time ago)

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned?: I believe that I've had ample time to reflect on my actions during the previous appeal where my ban was changed to permanent. I know now I could have went about things differently and I've missed playing the server and the people I had made friends with during my time. I lied about my internet going out to get out of a felony charge which i admit was a dipshit thing to do. I still don't know how I got the failrp, meta game and lying to staff added, So i can't really explain what i did there but whatever i was in the wrong for I apolgise.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None

Edited by Snow_CSX
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Old appeal for reference: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=5795

Please specifically address what you did. The lying about it included.

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Failure to specifically address what he did.


Please re appeal when you want to actually talk about what you did and properly apologize for it.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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