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Pet Perm

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Your Name: Timothy Address


Staff Member involved: Toast


SteamID STEAM_0:1:807272116


What flags were blacklisted from you?: props


Reason for blacklist (if given): prop abuse


Why should they be returned?:  

I just want to start this off with letting you know again, I am deeply sorry for my actions, but I thought when appealing and getting accepted that my perma-ban and my pet perms would be reinstated because I was already punished for my actions, there was really no point in un banning me if you were going to strip me of the features that makes the game good. I rather would have just been banned, than have them taken away and ruining the re-playability of the game

Edited by Jimmy Hoffa
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Use the template I've linked otherwise your appeal will just be denied. Also, as the person who took your PET flags, you propblocked someone in a bunch of props and then proceeded to mug them. This is not the first time you've had your PET flags taken. You've been given multiple notes regarding prop abuse from multiple members of staff and the fact that this is your second time having your PET flags taken, it really shows that you never learned your lesson the first time. Maybe try again in a few months as you've just recently come back from a permanent ban.


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18 minutes ago, Toast said:

Use the template I've linked otherwise your appeal will just be denied. Also, as the person who took your PET flags, you propblocked someone in a bunch of props and then proceeded to mug them. This is not the first time you've had your PET flags taken. You've been given multiple notes regarding prop abuse from multiple members of staff and the fact that this is your second time having your PET flags taken, it really shows that you never learned your lesson the first time. Maybe try again in a few months as you've just recently come back from a permanent ban.


I know, I got perma banned for that. I feel as if a second punishment will be unnecessary.

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From what I can see you had your PET flags removed and then returned with the side note to never give them back if you re-offend. You clearly cant be trusted with the flags so they will stay gone. 

Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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