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Ban Appeal for Sam Johnson


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Your Character or Steam Name: Formerly "Sam Johnson"

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:571761226

Your Discord ID#: samthestrategist

Reason for ban: FailRP by Monaclu

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe it has been a while. I don't remember exactly when I got banned, but I know it has been several months at least. I felt bad when I did what I did (Doc Bombing the Bar Sheet). I know I probably won't ever be an adjudicator or even have the chance again, but I want to practice law and have fun again. I know what I did was wrong, and definitely ruined peoples ideas of me and tarnished my name and voided any past and future respect that I may have on the server. I was given many chances to change and I didn't and now here we are. I have been blaming a good for nothing probationary officer for fucking up my life on diverge. And yes while that is partly true, I still have to acknowledge my part in setting up a gay bar in cells and than when getting arrested, doc bombing the bar sheet. (Just a reminder of what I did for everyone). I have had a lot of time to reflect and think about what went wrong and how I could have acted differently or just not acted at all. I was given multiple golden opportunities by people who were my friends and I threw that away with my own stupidity. I ask for one last chance to show my reformation, to be respected again, to play the server that introduced me to roleplay, and finally to talk to the people who looked out for me and whom I let down. This ban appeal is for (Lomac, Logan, REM, Pendred, Monaclu, James, Alfred White, Enzo Rossi, David Wilson, Ayden St Laurent, Manuel Moretti, Ian Hancock/Owen Davis, Jeremiah Blackford, Canadian Bacon, Bingus, Alfred White, Edward Epstein, Muhammad Shekl Fred, Mr. Crowley, Taco, Snug Adonis, "Its been a while since I played/talked to many of you so forgive me if I left your name off of here".)

Why should you be unbanned?: I got headheaded and I made a mistake. I have been regretting that mistake for a while now, and I want to try again. I know that some of the things that I did before I can never do again. But I want to try again. I know I will be starting from the bottom, getting my bar again...hopefully. Maybe being a cop again. Joining a faction. All things that I had that I fucked myself in the ass with and lost by being an idiot who decided to minge and get butthurt. I truly want to be a part of the community again. All I have to offer is the promise that I won't fuck up again, or at least do something that stupid, and I will actively put my best foot forward to work with the people who were my friends, and reach out again to them to thank them for helping me, a lost cause no more. 

Thank You


Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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I think you should get another chance. Been a while and hopefully you've learned from your mistakes.

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It's been a while and I wanna see where it goes

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Manuel moretti is dead RIP my homie Manuel

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@LoganPretty sure he's alive, he just has a felony so droppedfry mains Rossi

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I think he should be allowed back, but not allowed access to things like the BAR sheet. For a very very long time.

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IF, you are ever allowed back you shouldn't be allowed to be an ABA member or judge, ever.

You intentionally sabotaged a document whilst already in a disciplinary hearing and when you were caught you lied.
I'm not Jesus and I don't have dementia so I'm not inclined to forgive or forget what you did.

Maybe you could be unbanned, but I'm really impartial either way.

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3 hours ago, Greenghost_906 said:

@LoganPretty sure he's alive, he just has a felony so droppedfry mains Rossi

Ngl I thought he deleted that char well RIP homie's prestigious career

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I think another chance for you wouldnt be a bad idea, probably wont see u as a judge or lawyer but u definitely could make a good PD char 

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If allowed back, must be barred from any legal work or access to any important documents ever again

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3 hours ago, Creambru said:

I think another chance for you wouldnt be a bad idea, probably wont see u as a judge or lawyer but u definitely could make a good PD char 

He is blacklisted from PD for massRDM as a cop his reason was to be a corrupt cop to add rp

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fuck you sam johnson

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i think itll be pretty funny to let in back in a very short leash.

Edited by JJ_
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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