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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Mushuleaf

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199471912695

Your Discord ID#: 851380167401799712

Reason for ban: Racket Abuse

Length of ban: 4 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned?: For starters, I was introduced to a random person off the sidewalk as a guy from Lucky arms who i didnt expect to be in any way related to HT. The first argument that doesnt make any sense is that I was aware that he had other characters in HT in the first place, & for second, why would I know his characters? I don't even have his discord.
Another reason I think this ban is unfair, is that we just got done telling this guy hey I want to buy bulk (since he seemed to be selling scorpions on the street, i figured we could make him more money than him just ending up in jail walking up to randoms.) He said he wanted 9500 a shipment, which is 1500 profit per shipment and I said thats too little and gave him more than that to then find out there is a new added rule that your minimal price has to be 1.75x which seems okay to me and if this would've been explained prior Id follow that as my minimal guideline, for my gunsales in my current faction and just as a general rule of thumb, and something you can teach people aswell to keep them from making the same mistake. 
I have no prior connection to this person, OOCly or ICly.
I purposefully tried to upscale what I was giving him despite him agreeing to 1500 on a shipment.
Before I was told it cannot be my main factions alt character selling guns, so I figured this would be okay, hence me offfering him this deal in the first place, & now i'm being told otherwise.
Genuinely i think that if i was breaking any rules it wouldve been alot more blatant and less RP eccentric. Like i said before earlier, he was originally just a random guy on the sidewalk who was trying to sell pymp schwartz a shipment of scorpions. Pymp schwartz then introduced him to me. In what way was he "waiting to order tec9s until I got unbanned"? He only started ordering them because we told him thats all we wanted and that he wouldnt ever have to use rumour again.   
To clarify why I did not recognize this new person who is not Takahashi related, still being an issue, despite him being 14k he said he was currently inactive on that char so I figured his MAIN was currently a gambino. I had no reference of how long he had been in, but from what I knew he was selling to people on the streets - so I wanted to give him more opportunity on this current character for the time being.


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Heres a full timeline for you:

1. Fragz is 14k, kosher and diamond, and friends with someone called Tiffany Scholar from Takahashi. Jxy knew this, as he sent us DMs where he legit immediately asks this.
2. Fragz creates a gambino character. Specifically. Creates the character, runs straight to the gun store to get hired.
3. Fragz and Tiffany (on her alt) start bolstering his money, giving him drugs and (probably unintentionally, but will be looked into) item transferring from his main char
4. Fragz is fully aware of the functionality of the gun store, as indicated by his text logs, which means it makes no sense to go to the streets, especially specifically the garrison.
5. 6/3 he makes his first ever gun purchase, shortly after creating the character, to sell to Tiffany.
6. He then starts stocking up on TEC-9s for absolutely no apparent reason after you guys get ubanned for racket abuse.
8. About a day and a half/2 days later He runs to the garrison trying to "sell those skorpions" and kinda hangs out waiting for something
9. Jxy loads up his alt, runs over and tells him you want to buy tec-9s
10. very quickly talks him into a $20,000 discount (quite literally said they sell for 32k a shipment and then went the ah jeez yeah i can do a 1k profit margin route)
11. You come over, jxy switches onto his main char, gives you the money for the TEC-9s
12. You, and without any kind of interaction with this guy make this deal. He didnt talk to you, you didnt talk to him.
13. He gives you a bunch of TEC-9s for a $20,000 discount.
14. All this occurs right after you *just* got off a ban for buying TEC-9s from an alt char for a $20,000 discount.
15. The grand total that you pay him is $11,666 a shipment.
16. You're also just whitelisted to Lucchese pending your cooldown. You're transferring to Takahashi on your Aria character (the one that bought all these tec-9s), presumably to sell these and continue racking in insane amounts of money off of another factions racket.

It's pretty obvious that you and/or jxy knew this person prior to these transactions. Yes, there was a "negotiation", but it was so brief and then instantly dissolved into no talking or interaction with eachother, and you yourself didnt talk to him at all. 

Like I said the very first time you got banned, using an alt char, buying another factions racket for literally insanely cheap prices from an alt character is immediately bad and an abuse of the system. When you immediately after getting unbanned 

With the updated rules, you should have seen and considered the fact that it clearly says "

  • Using the persons alternate character to circumvent Roleplay and trading with the faction directly, thereby preventing them from collecting profits from the trades through meta/powergame. 
  • If the sole purpose of that character is to sell weapons/drugs from the racket without any roleplay involved. These deals often orchestrated OOC'ly through metagame."

You also state in your appeal that "I was introduced to a random person off the sidewalk as a guy from Lucky arms who i didnt expect to be in any way related to HT." and then at the end say "To clarify why I did not recognize this new person who is not Takahashi related, still being an issue, despite him being 14k he said he was currently inactive on that char so I figured his MAIN was currently a gambino. I had no reference of how long he had been in, but from what I knew he was selling to people on the streets - so I wanted to give him more opportunity on this current character for the time being." - So I'm not exactly sure at this point if you totally didnt know him or how he was related to HT, or knew him but thought that he had left 14k to main gambino.

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You've just come off a ban for racket abuse and then a few days later you're banned again for the same thing. You got off lightly and I would highly recommend going about a different route of supplying weaponry etc that doesn't involve using other factions rackets for your own benefit.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by Toast
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