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Nirv's Ban Appeal


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I was doing a bit of trolling in-character (ICly), not out of character (OOCly), and i got banned. If you look up "Laundry" in the Q Menu, it shows a prop of the "Processor" that you can spawn in. I was messing around and spawned one inside of a business, took a picture of it for shits and giggles and made a police report. People make false police reports all the time and don't get banned. I honestly thought nothing would go wrong with this, but I got banned for "powergaming, planting evidence without approval, and failrp" when it was just a prop and not the entity itself. I'm not sure where to go from here, everything was done in-character  and seems like it should've been dealt with in-character (as a false police report). Instead, I got a 14-day ban, which I think is absurd, i've seen people do worse and get banned for less time. I've also seen people spawn the same prop as I did inside of establishments and inside of PD.


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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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