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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Dizzy 🙂

Your SteamID: 76561198806920004

Your Discord ID#:Lynx034

Reason for ban: PD raid?

Length of ban: 3d

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? I dont believe I raided pd at all unless tresspassing a few times is counting as a pd raid with no weapons or nothing

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Edited by Lynx
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Guy, you literally went into the evidence room, stole a metric ton of drugs, and went back in on another character, stole more, transferred it to your buddy and then deleted the character. Did you think we... wouldn't notice a large amount of drugs missing? Like it'd slide under the radar?

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Stealing drugs from evidence isnt allowed? I mean it was legit unlocked wtf lol


Also that wasnt evidence room it was just a random room with nothing saying evidence on it + its pds fault for not locking it

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“You cannot rob the police station”


In addition to this it is very obvious to me that you were character abusing. You may not switch characters in this scenario to gain a benefit on both characters with information you found on a previous character. You went through multiple steps to for what seems to me effectively make it “harder to track”



Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by Youbear
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