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Ban Appeal.


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Your Character or Steam Name: Jake Newgold

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:691581646

Your Discord ID#: loony0_0

Reason for ban: LTAP

Length of ban:1 day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): my game was bugging out sorry.

Why should you be unbanned? i should be unbanned because i was sat in the jail cell when i clicked on settings my screen was glitching out and i could hear a weird sound i clicked quit game lots of times i tried to close steam and the game its self i turned off my pc and turned it back on been trying to fix it when it was fixed i came on and saw that i was banned my friend said he will try ask someone then he told me to make one of these things and also its my first time getting banned it was my pc acting up and im sorry about that i dont think it will happen again im pretty sure i fixed the issue.


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Hello Jake, sorry about the inconvenience about the ban. We waited 15mins for you to reconnect and after that I banned you for a short amount of time. You have no previous notes reason ban being so short.

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yh sorry about that my pc was acting so shit it should be fixed is it ok to let me off these last few hours by any chance? 


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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

Edited by Toast
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