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Perma Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: I forgot

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

Your Discord ID#: 1225207434768027720

Reason for ban: LTARP + False Mugging

Length of ban: Permanent.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? 
I would like to start this off by just reiterating the fact that I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible actions. It was completely wrong of me for what I did to the members of this community.
I have now realized the severity of my actions, honestly I was just joking around and I didn’t know it would be taken so seriously.
I understand if your decision is to keep me banned considering my history and I would also like to say that I spent 40 dollars of my cash on this server.
I am completely okay with your decision of banning me considering the servers hatred towards me if that’s what your plans for the future are for me again I understand.
(Side note: I had a whole entire other appeal but decided that it was too shitty and corny, so I decided to shorten it and re-write it)

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
Edited by Jimmy Hoffa
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32 minutes ago, emopreserve said:


thx man, appreciate it.

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From experience, i know what this feels like. Im a strong believer that everyone deserves a second chance. It took me a year and a half to get unbanned. This man is a good man, and i can vouch that he learnt his lesson. Give this man a chance to play on this server again, because believe it or not, the server makes an impact on someones life for some reason. 


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Reducing ban but if behavior continues, you will just be permaed again and would not have fun trying to appeal.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 14 days.

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