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1. Illegal bank system separate to atm that cant be easily accessed and has to be upgraded for more space overtime.

2. Side mission system where you have to do something or turn in a illegal product for a random reward that may or may not be valuable (this could lead to better missions for better rewards) (this could be good for those rich guys that want to get their hands on weapons that are practically non existent)

3. drugs revamped to actually make you high so people could enjoy what visual effects those drugs offer.. i mean if people were tripping off lsd they would act it as well haha



for #1 - This could be great for people who want a more rp situational illegal way of storing there stuff. This should be expensive to do but be worth in the long run. Might open a path to new npc's around the map

for #2 - In truth this would give people other options of what they do with their drugs, like trading they could be rewarded either like a gamble for good or bad items or to earn rep from turning in enough that reaching a high enough rep could unlock new trades. 

for #3 - Drugs are kinda boring in this game, they could really make people want them more adding visual effects making players wanna catch them like pokemon cards to see what high they can get, on the flip side of the coin is in the real world mafia you would get wacked for doing so because they didn't want junkies running around in suits.

Edited by Zenjo
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Fent homeless junkie update when??

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1. just use your bank illegally

2. faction leaders could do this for people

3. darkrp ahhh nigga

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1. the illegal bank would be p cool, but it should make sense cause rn it makes no sense for you to put C into ur ATM and it gets raided by monaclu


2. i mean seems valid


3. darkrp

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14 hours ago, MxR said:

detectives hittin hard when people are wanting illegal banks

we goated fr fr

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1. I guess I don't understand? If you want a bigger bank account give your money to Pendy, but I understand for the none pay to win players.

2. Sounds like a roblox addon when you complete a challenge a wheel pops up and you get an award for doing something. I like the idea of side quests that people should be able to do.

3. Drugs are indeed boring on the server, but the bad part is processing them because it doesn't make sense why all drugs are processed the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First one is a bit unbalanced cause "oh I can just stash all my stuff in here with no consequence at all!!!" and the 2nd one can be able to just be done by HC in your faction. 3rd one is kinda DarkRP like but that doesn't make it bad, I like that idea fr. Let me trip on LSD and PK myself from an overdose.

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