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Posted (edited)

To be a new player and go 3 days in grinding the way the game was intended to be played then be severely punished and wait a month to fight the charges in court is ruining the experience.. I understand the realism in it and "being smart with how you move" is a trait in itself but people fight to keep what they worked hard for while the system is immune to its exacerbate issue it brings to the whole population itself.. Truthfully I think there could be change at a higher level with this that could bring balance and I don't know what that change is but here are a few suggestions.. 

1.  Actually listen to the testaments and protests of people (and im not talking just cops but the highest power of the game as well) fully understand where the server issues that make people stay away..

2. Revamping the Justice system to fairly allow players to keep their character because they will naturally get pk'd (less realistic approach to help players keep going)

3. Approach to more legal ways for anyone to make money besides spending countless hard earned irl dollars. Player events just aren't gonna be enough people should be able to make food deliveries for hired businesses or collect rubbish around a shipyard that can be sold to a npc. (basically more npc and task related jobs that can benefit players at anytime INSTEAD OF WAITING 10 minutes per shipment) Waaaaaay more engaging for players who like to be fidgety maybe even a custom chess and checkers betting table against players or calibrated AI

4. Separate Storage outside of ATMs that would allow players to store items personally without ATM because all the cops wanna do is get inside that. (Maybe like a illegal bank account you can upgrade with money)

These are my suggestions that should be carefully considered for the future of this game.. cause only the old heads are sticking around, once the new guy gets severely punished one time its usually donezo for them say bye bye forever. Approve Disapprove whatever man no idea should be wasted just put them all together and see what it all points to cause lets be honest how long will this glory last or till its another relic in the past. 


Edited by Zenjo
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Eh, maybe make bail bonds a possibility sure, but I also can see people just never going to court if out on bail

as for the “more legal” money making options 

this is Mafia RP, not meth junkie scrapper RP. Maybe the 10 minutes between is a little much sometimes sure


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You didnt look deep enough my friend


This is a insightful suggestion i made. this is not just for the small installations to the game but a more indepth step towards a thriving game that people enjoy to play...

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the current system works, why change it?

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MxR like i said this isnt for a BIG CHANGE that people imagine but little steps that should be considered towards a fruitful future. The current system is BS if a new player has to work 2-3 weeks to still have not reach their goal and then be diminished for 1 wrong move.


We can all argue that the system works cause yes it does work.. but does it really work for the people? Im not asking for the cops to stop arresting, Im not asking for the families to stop killing each other, Im asking for a change in the retribution concept this game follows. It would be a waste to not consider what I am trying to get across to the creators of the game. The reward is far less than the risk people are taking so far that even the families even resort to being friendlier because we are all just surviving. You have to understand that this creation can go through this kind of change and it doesnt have to be dramatic just steps towards a better future for Diverge Mafia RP


I'll be on tomorrow to argue more about this with more thought so lets continue this then. if you havent read the post please do so and the comments too lets make this clear that there is a decline based on things beyond what the player is seeing so lets bring it to the light. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Zenjo said:

We can all argue that the system works cause yes it does work.. but does it really work for the people? Im not asking for the cops to stop arresting, Im not asking for the families to stop killing each other, Im asking for a change in the retribution concept this game follows. It would be a waste to not consider what I am trying to get across to the creators of the game. The reward is far less than the risk people are taking so far that even the families even resort to being friendlier because we are all just surviving. You have to understand that this creation can go through this kind of change and it doesnt have to be dramatic just steps towards a better future for Diverge Mafia RP

Learn how to avoid it. Very simple. I've been avoiding it for 3 years (except for 1 time). If you aren't careful, shit happens.

Edited by MxR
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Sort of bad faith arguments but i'll defend the points regardless.

1. We do but the Majority of whiners bring issues we've already addressed; arguments we've dismantled hundreds of times, or just straight up bad ideas/suggestions with no thought or consideration to basic gameplay balance.

2. While the justice system is sometimes slow and can possibly be improved in the future, it still currently works fine, as I am writing this there are ~10 open DA tickets and 8 open criminal cases (overlap). This actually isn't that high as it used to be as a majority of charges will result in plea deals (as is what happens in real life) and you have to consider that a lot of cases remain open because the defendants effectively refuse to co-operate or take the legal RP seriously, they view it as a dark rp type arrest where they get put in jail for 2 minutes and are then instantly released. This is a different gamemode with a more functional real world justice system. Don't want to waste the time? Don't do the crime, or just accept the plea. Majority of them are under 45 years anyways. Get a lawyer, you're probably an idiot on your own. 

That being said, as @MxR mentioned, getting caught is sort of a skill issue and if they have enough evidence to charge you with 45+ years then it's really a 'don't get caught' problem. People get pk'ed this is the reality of Mafia RP and your first PK is likely always something stupid or avoidable, none of that FiveM 'consensual PK' bullshit. Actions have consequences.

3. There's already a good amount of legal ways to make money, such as; taxi services, delivery trucks, working jobs for factions and their events, collecting oil, collecting scrap from trash cans and any other LEGAL hustle you can invent in your brain (it is an RP server after all, you have to be inventive). Adding more profitable venues to legal RP does nothing to enhance the RP of a MAFIA RP server, as mentioned by @Demigod the game will always reward high risk actions like gun running or drug selling since you can be arrested for it. It simply sounds like all you have done is wait on shipments instead of using the tools we've given you to produce your own RP. It's not only about money !

4. This is something we've already considered as a concept, mind you slightly altered, and are looking into it. Time will tell.

As for the last paragraph you wrote:

12 hours ago, Zenjo said:

These are my suggestions that should be carefully considered for the future of this game.. cause only the old heads are sticking around, once the new guy gets severely punished one time its usually donezo for them say bye bye forever. Approve Disapprove whatever man no idea should be wasted just put them all together and see what it all points to cause lets be honest how long will this glory last or till its another relic in the past. 

I consider this to be a bad faith argument. Saying only the old heads are sticking around is just wrong. The nature of a game server is that people filter in and out and usually you mark a 10 to 20% retention rate when popular. New players that enjoy the game stick around, like yourself, you joined for the first time in early May and more than 3 weeks later you're still around. Diverge has been open since December of 2020, that is more than three years of straight operation. Players will play for a few months, disappear for a year, then come back again. This 'glory' has lasted that long and will continue to last as long as we put the effort and time into it. Basically, your paragraph implies that us not immediately accepting your suggestions as pure truth of reality would lead to the server dying, which obviously isn't the case.

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Posted (edited)

firstly you are awesome for having took great consideration to this argument. Like I said, the system does work there isn't something going on in my belief that would be the cause for it to just die not for a long time atleast but that players who do leave, leave with a bad taste in their mouth and i was one of those guys who left for a year due to hardwork lost and irl reasons to comeback and try again but still get caught up. But I could argue there is a time gap for everything here.. countless hours spent on the grind for it to be diminished too easily. That is a system that can be worked on not something that should hold forever. And there are many creative ways to approach this and i pointed out a few  but many other people point to too.. As for the RP that is something that doesnt need to be changed entirely either, everyone really enjoys it. But does everyone enjoy being in a family and only waiting for products to come in shipments? Are the alternatives really built for the misfortunate playstyle? Maybe thats what becoming a cop is for. Maybe there can be new rp towards legal tedious jobs that require some keywork instead like people fighting over campbells soup they were supposed to give jimmy the npc.. That could also get into a different approach to how people rp as well. This is a great game and will always still go down as one of the greatest rp styles of games which is why i care to put this out. The players engagement with other players is required with most of the game is a great move, but what if players dont wanna do that? Then you got fishing or truck driving shipments or if you are a passive player in a family watching youtube videos while that 10 min shipment comes in.. Its just a start. Why is there barely a reward over time for people who are just passive? The slow game is a good game to play but not for everyone is this point here although this kind of change wouldnt be the get rich quick scheme it damn sure should keep a player busy playing instead of waiting or gambling. I will admit that this argument for a step in the direction of new systems is for the benefit of a long term passive playstyle and player longevity that would be new to everyone is scary but if the player is gonna take risks why not take a risk is this idea too.


These are all simple tweaks for a implied long term demand for population. 

Edited by Zenjo
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"Why is there barely a reward dor passive legal money?" BECAUSE, like i said there is no RISK to that play style.

Why do illegal shit if legal is profitable?

You took a year break?

Your first join date is May 5th, 2024. You came back on a different steam account?

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The easiest way to not get caught, or mugged with anything that’s illegal and profitable such as coke, weed, LSD, Gun running, etc, is to really keep moving, and avoid the police when you have something illegal, and mind your P’s and Q’s when doing something a little more obvious that may get you in trouble (don’t open carry a TOZ without a class 2, because you will get questioned by police. I had 2 cops in a matter of 50 feet of walking question me the other day, and decided to put the gun away as it was drawing too much attention)

be mindful of who you do any illegal activities with. They could easily be a detective or a rat, which is why I don’t deal with people I don’t particularly know, let alone talk about it IC, OOC I’ll tell people I’m processing drugs in my designated room all I want, they can’t use it IC so it doesn’t matter. IC, my character is very reserved to most people, and is even sometimes argumentative about new people coming around who can’t be vouched for. It’s all about being smart, don’t stay in one area for too long, and know what you’re doing and the goal of what you’re doing. If you don’t have a goal and you’re just carrying illegal items, you’re bound to get caught eventually

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the risk is beyond the reward. if yall could careless most people leave so long as if the one guy who bought a custom suit and custom car could always get it back on a new character. i dont have to be a expert to tell you that someone who is conscious would have been pk'd through rp wouldve been like "welp this was a good run ima go do something better with my time now." this the end of the topic for me im talking to know it alls








links of most recent suggestions and im sure you have tons more like them.. its not just me thinking this way but a majority that would benefit for that better future.. The reasoning you guys bring is all the same heard stuff and all i'm bringing to light is what its being pointed at that doesnt seem to get enough attention. This was never about me but for you @Canadian-bacon @Pendred @whoevercares



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you brought a suggestion that is made by that steamdeck armenian retard that went schizo on diverge..... A lot of these suggestions also just dont make sense

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