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1980's Mafia Roleplay: PK Guidelines


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PK Guidelines & Regulations

 PK - Permanently Killed, also known as a Character Ban. This is a term used when your character has been killed off permanently in roleplay, no respawning. This usually happens as a consequence of an action within roleplay, below is a set of guidelines that explain what can constitute a PK. Different organizations have different rules on how they can PK someone, this is due to how it would be conducted realistically.

It is HIGHLY recommended that during conflicts, PKs, or situations leading to PKs you are recording almost 24/7 as all PKs require PROOF.

PKs must be pre-approved and be overseen by an admin. Retroactive PKs occur only when certain requirements are met.

Note that a PK is not time sensitive, the staff should not be rushed or pressured, PKs are serious as it puts a characters life at risk and staff are not at fault for taking time to consult with others to approve/deny it.

Your character can be PK'ed / banned by staff at their discretion if you break server rules, such as but not limited to; fail corruption / Minging as a Police Officer, metagame/powergame, item transfer/character abuse, etc.


Table of Contents

■ Retroactive PKs
■ Fear RP
■ Violent confrontation with police
■ Muggings / Robberies

■ Reasons & Rules
■ Family Member Kills
■ Killing Rivals or Civilians
■ Coups
■ Corrupt Police/Government
■ Aftermath

Retroactive PKs
These are possible scenarios which may validate you to be PK'ed retroactively. (Retroactive PK is when a request for pk is made after situation which no admin oversaw occurred)

■ Initiating a violent confrontation with Police Officers and being killed. (Conditions apply, read further down)
■ Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death. (Specific Examples of when this applies below)
■ Being killed while trying to PK someone.
■ Being killed while trying to raid raid/rob a building.
■ Being killed while attempting to mug someone.

Note the key term during, this means it's not retroactive if the situation has ended. For instance, if you were mugged and the mugger escapes away from you, and you need to try and hunt them down to find them again? That is no longer retroactive. You instead need to make a staff ticket, present to them your evidence as well as how you can identify the individual and THEN go after them for a pk to be valid.

Fear RP PKs
These are possible scenarios which may validate you to be PK'ed retroactively because of a FEAR RP break. However you may not place people under fear RP just to pk someone, there must be a VALID reason to place someone under fear rp with the possibility of a pk. These are the examples as follows.

■ Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon.
■ Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death; this means if you kill yourself in an attempt to avoid an arrest or mugging, intentionally drowning or falling to your death to avoid detainment, or even having a friend or faction member kill you while you are detained are all considered a 'disregard for your own life' and can lead to a PK.
■ Breaking Fear RP during a mugging or raid. If you are being mugged and break fear rp and die you may subject to a pk. (See fear RP rules on server rule page to understand when fear rp begins and ends)

There however are circumstances where you may not PK someone for fear rp.

■ Pulling a weapon and ordering them to leave a property or business/to stop following you. If they refuse and you shoot them (or they break fear rp to shoot you) neither person is pk'ed. It's just a regular kill.
■ Lockpicking or stealing a vehicle; in situations such as the former where the victim of the crime is not at risk of a PK nor are they at risk of losing large sums of money killing the offender generally is not a PK for that person, it's simply a normal kill.
■ This applies to other scenarios not stated above. As stated you must have a valid reason to put someone under a life threatening fear rp situation, we will not pk for small fear rp infractions that occur daily in regular gameplay.

That being said the admin and staff have final say in deciding if a fear rp pk is valid. If you disagree with a pk appeal it in character appeals.

Confrontations with Police:

■ Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout.

  • This does not apply to players who hit officers with their fists (Unless they Murder them)
  • This applies when a person shoots / stabs police for no reason or for a non valid reason (Traffic Ticket/insults/etc) and may also be subject to an RDM punishment should that apply
  • This does not apply if the Officer initiates the gun fire or escalates the situation to violence. (Note: In the server the tazer is non violent as it cannot physically kill or damage the player.)
  • Officers may not execute suspects, they must make an effort to arrest a suspect and when possible render aid to a bleeding suspect.
  • Deciding to shoot and kill an Officer to escape arrest is a calculated risk you take, where the penalty for failure is death.
  • If an Officer shoots your faction member/friend, while it may be within server rules for you to defend them if you choose to do so and are killed you are still PK'ed. It's an in character choice and consequence you risk when deciding to engage police.

Engaging in combat with Police is a calculated risk you take, where death is permanent. Read our server rules to know when you can or can't attack an officer. (RDM etc)

■ Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon.
If you intentionally disconnect to avoid an arrest that would have been a significant felony OR you simply AFK / refuse to engage with the arrest roleplay you may be "auto-plea'ed" by staff which can result in a prison sentence PK.
■ Signing a plea deal or being sentenced by a judge for 45+ years is a PK

Mugging / Robbery:

■ Be cautious! If you are killed while committing a mugging you have the possibility of being PK'ed!
■ To see what constitutes a valid mugging read the mugging rules section on the server rules page.
■ The victim of a mugging may attempt to break Fear RP to retaliate and kill the mugger to PK them, however if they fail and die while breaking Fear RP this can lead to the victim being PK'ed. The person being held under Fear RP should abide by the muggers demands or risk this consequence. Does not apply if Fear RP is not active. (See FearRP rules on server rules page)

■ Being killed while attempting to mug someone.

Note the key term while, this means it's not retroactive if the situation has ended. For instance, if you were mugged and the mugger escapes away from you, and you need to try and hunt them down to find them again? That is no longer retroactive. You instead need to make a staff ticket, present to them your evidence as well as how you can identify the individual and THEN go after them for a pk to be valid.

■ If you are attempting to order a retaliation hit against someone who mugged you, you must present the staff member with evidence as well as how you can identify that it is the correct person. (f3, nickname, etc)

When can you kill someone in a mugging for it to be considered a PK?
- You must FIRST, properly initiate a mugging (See Mugging Rules)
- They attempt to flee while you have them at gunpoint/fear rp. (Does not apply if you disengage fear rp. See fear rp rules)
- They attempt to fight back while you have them at gunpoint/fear rp. (Does not apply if you disengage fear rp. See fear rp rules)
- They attempt to move or avoid being restrained while you tie them under fear rp.
- If they disobey direct orders multiple times (while under fear rp) which leads to complications in the mugging. ex: Refuses to stay still and moves one or two steps at a time to try and escape, refuses to stop talking leading to someone over hearing the mugging. 
- They do not obey a reasonable demand in a reasonable amount of time. ex: Ordering them to follow you (while under fear RP) and refusing to move after several requests and a reasonable amount of time to obey, effectively stalling the mugging to be discovered.

There are other instances where killing someone during a mugging will not result in a PK.
- Such as not giving the person reasonable time to react to your demands
- Ordering them to use certain game functions they don't have to comply with or making unreasonable demands (Drop items/cash, hit f7, give me your f3, commit suicide, etc)
- If you disengage fear rp and they attempt to flee or fight back
- You fail to specify that they are being mugged/fail to properly initiate a mugging
- A fail mug location or mass mugging

Permanent Kill Reasons & Rules:

General PK Rules
You must be able to prove your claims to the Administrator, either by video/pictures or if an Administrator witnessed the reason itself.

● A valid reason is required for all PK’s. A PK’s approval is entirely dependent on the reason given, if you give a weak reason such as “he disrespected me” then your PK will not be approved. 

■ ALL non-inner faction PKs require direct proof, rumours and witnesses are invalid without video/text proof, or an Admin who has witnessed it, this is to ensure stories are not being manipulated to look like they fit PK criteria

■ Using OOC means of communication to perform a PK will invalidate it / the evidence for a PK.

■ Using OOC terms over Mic, (Such as yelling "thats a pk, thats a pk!" After killing someone) may void the PK entirely. Remain in character at all times.

■ You may accept payment to perform hits for criminal factions. You must ensure the hit you are performing is valid.

■ You may not perform hits for a faction that you have an alternate character in. (Do it on the main character)

You may not bait someone into a PK. This means that starting a confrontation in order to escalate it then use that as a reason to PK someone, this is not permitted. This includes mugging or kidnapping to abuse Fear RP PKs

■ If you are attempting to PK someone, during the hit you are also PK active. Meaning if you're attempting to kill or have just killed the victim but you were also killed you are subject to a PK, so don’t be reckless when carrying out these serious murders.

■ This includes being killed by a third party who is acting in defense of the victim, or a police officer trying to apprehend you, moments after the hit itself takes place. As the hitman your goal is to carry out the hit and escape the area to hide out for next 15 minutes. [You may not disconnect until this minimum timer has expired. You will be PK'ed for LTAP'ing to avoid death]

■ If you are the one acting in defense of the PK victim you yourself are not PK active in that situation. (Unless you are also the target of an Admin approved PK) You are only subject to a pk in a situation like that if you break FEAR RP. If you witnessed the hitman escapes before you can retaliate and you then try going after them 10 minutes later, that won't be a PK, in that instance you will need to seek approval from an Admin like a regular PK request. You cannot be pk'ed for reacting in defense of your ally in the moment. (Nor can a request be made on you later). However when you make a request against the hitman for retribution (if they escaped) then there may be consequences if you do not seek the hit to be sanctioned by the faction they are apart of through diplomacy RP.

■ Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. (See Confrontation with Police Section)

Any sentence above a certain minimum amount of years delivered with a guilty verdict in a court of law by a judge or signed and consented to in a plea deal is a PK, verdicts above 45 years are PKs.

Corrupt Government Officials are also subject to PKs if arrested or killed by rival gangs they are working against. (Must have directly harmed/affected you) (See corruption section)

Family Member Kills

When joining a criminal faction all users understand and partake in the risk of being PK'ed as is the nature of being a criminal. Members of a faction who break their IC code of conduct or run risk to the faction can be ordered killed by the faction leader. See below.


○ Inner-family issues should be handled by the Don of the family and will not always result in murder.
○ If they’re in your family and they have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family.
■ (Ex: Harm in a physical, or financial way with tangible damages)

■ The order must be given in-game by the Don or trusted High Command member of the family. Staff will not accept discord screenshots of orders. The person receiving the order must have the identity (f3) of whomever is giving the order, they need to know who their boss is, they can't receive an order from someone they don't know.

■ The person in question, has repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+10,000$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespecting someone once is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone for mucking up JUST one time. Having continued issues or warnings about behaviour or disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (record the Warnings/encounters/transgressions need be)

■ Continued and repeated (despite warnings) poor behaviour, misconduct, violation of your family rules or even blatant disrespect of made men in your organization.

■ Collaborating or potentially collaborating with Government / Law enforcement agencies to take harm the faction. Reasonable suspicion they are a rat. [You may be asked to provide proof]

■ Bringing 'Heat' to the faction

As a result of their reckless action or arrests they bring attention or heat to the group and are therefore too much of a risk to keep around.
Things that constitute bringing heat:

  • Caused an investigation
  • Caused a search/seizure/warrant to be issued and executed
  • Caused a fellow faction member(s) to be implicated or arrested
  • Provided information or testimony which harmed the faction (Snitching)
  • Being constantly arrested on or around faction property/members; drawing attention from erratic behaviour

[You may be asked to provide proof]

Things that DO NOT constitute bringing heat:

  • Having a Felony on their record
  • Being arrested or detained for a minor crime
  • Being arrested or detained for a crime not related to the faction
  • Simply interacting with police


● They knowingly assaulted a made man, siding with a rival gang to harm yourself or your gang, or knowingly bring harm onto another member.

■ Financially harmed yourself or another member of the gang (+10,000$)
● Examples: If they withheld money (kick-ups), robbed/mugged/scammed a fellow member, or did something else to directly harm the gang in a financial way.

■ Actively betraying the gang.
● Examples: Intentionally ratting to the police, Intentionally setting the gang up to be attacked by rivals, or intentionally giving away information to a rival in an attempt to profit.

■ As a means of self-preservation
● If the member knowingly causes an issue with a larger organized crime group, and you desire to avoid a conflict you may work it out with said rival group to instead kill the cause of the strife. This generally would occur as apart of a deal or sit down to ease tensions between two gangs, it is a valid reason.

● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. (However these actions must be verified). Generally under most don's orders.

This 'left faction' reason is valid for 2 weeks after the individual leaves your organization. If you failed to notice or care before those two weeks expired then clearly this person was not important enough to warrant going after. (Exceptions made if they snitch, falls under a different pk reason) However note that the target not logging on does not affect your ability to place the hit in-game. So give the in-game order before the 2 week expiration, regardless if they log in or not and you will still be permitted to carry out the hit later down the line. (Be careful! If they have already joined a new gang you may have to have an in-game sit down to sanction the hit or you may risk damaging your reputation with the faction they are now in)

You may be asked to provide proof of any claims. However a Don/Boss is able to order his subordinates to be killed without much oversight.

■ Attempted Mutiny or ‘takeover’ of a gang must be approved by a member of UA

Killing a rival gang/mob member

○ If they’re not in your family, they must have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family. To acquire this PK you should first speak to your don, and then the Commission to get the hit sanction. If you Kill another made man without it being sanctioned there is a steep penalty.

Note: If the request to murder a rival gang/mob member is directly related to escalating conflicts between your faction and the rival faction you need to ensure that proper escalation steps have been taken by your leaders before continuing.

■ You should seek a sit down with the leadership of the opposing family/gang and work out some sort of deal. Either reparations through money or possibly have a sanctioned hit against the accused party in order to maintain a diplomatic relationship without causing conflict.
■ The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, your family, or another member of your family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+10,000$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone JUST for being part of an enemy faction. Having continued gunfights, scams or warnings about territory, money or other continued violent disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (Be sure to record all encounters/transgressions)
● Example: Repeatedly attacked/robbed a member of your gang, resulting in significant loss of income or death (PK'ed a member of your faction).

■ Knowingly operating in your area / Violating Agreement
● Examples: Knowingly and intentionally violating an agreement made between your faction and theirs (ex: selling drugs on territory you have claimed). You have to establish that they are knowingly doing it, if they did not know then you may assault them or threaten them, but if it is both knowingly and intentional then you have a valid reason. (Murder should be a last resort, often sitdowns can resolve this. Killing someone can start a conflict.)

■ If you intend to retaliate for a PK against your family by another’s you must prove you have 100% certain IC knowledge that it was that family that attacked you, you then may retaliate an equal amount of PKs. Ideally you go after the hitman himself. (EVIDENCE MUST BE PROVIDED)

You will be asked to provide proof of these claims.

Killing a non-associated civilian
■ You cannot PK a civilian for simply witnessing or reporting a crime, it's natural for normal civilians to call the Police or report incidents, while you may attack them for this it is not considered a valid PK reason. You may only PK a Civilian if they are actively collaborating with a government agency to take you down, this means they have signed some form of Affidavit or witness statement and/or have the intention of testifying against you or your faction in court. You may also threaten people to make sure they don’t snitch. Murder (PK) is a last resort.

Killing a don or leader of a faction
Killing a don or leader of a faction is a serious undertaking that has several stipulations.
○ If you are killing your faction leader
○ If you are killing an opposing faction leader
○ Direct Aftermath of a kill

■ Killing your leader [ COUP ]

A coup is the forcible transfer of ownership from one party to another internally. In order to perform a coup, the initiator must have a simple majority (or 51%) of faction leadership backing them. A valid RP reason must exist in order for a coup to take place. Upon approval by UA, through the creation of a UA ticket, the coup leader and faction leader will be set PK active.

As an example, if there were six total members of faction leadership (three capos, a street boss, a consigliere, and an underboss), four members would need to be involved in a coup for it to be approved.
For example, let's say a Caporegime wants to coup the Don. Currently there are:
three capos, including yourself, street boss, a consigliere, and an under boss. You would have to convince out of the 6 people, you need to convince 3 other leaders, totaling 4 out of the 6.
Once you have the 51%, you then need to make a UA ticket and explain why you are leading this coup and the RP reasons behind it. If UA deems this coup as legitimate, we will allow the coup to occur.
Once the coup begins, both the Faction Leader and Coup Faction Leader will be set PK active.

● You must have more than half of your faction's high command support to overthrow your current leader.
● Once you've made your move against your don the rest of the faction may choose a side, this can plunge the faction into civil war
● The civil war ends when one side concedes or is wiped out.
● These PKs still need pre-approval [ Make a SUPPORT ticket in the main discord]

■ Killing an opposing leader
● Killing an opposing leader is difficult.
● You can either kill them via a war or if you have made a deal with a group within the faction who will take over once the boss is killed. (Assisting a coup)
● Killing them as part of an escalation of a conflict. (See
Conflict Rules Thread)
● There are no 'Silent don kills'. Killing a don is a public secret. This can cause a war if the Internal Coup you assist fails.

Government and Police Kills
○ Any murder of a police officer or politician must be weighed with the cons. To murder an officer or government official is a serious matter. Due to this, the reasons needed to kill an officer or politician are raised. They must have harmed your family in a significant way. We implore you to also pursue and exhaust all legal options before resorting to murder, else the entire NYPD will be impeding your business during their investigations.
■ (Ex. Performing several targeted or illegitimate raids on your establishments)
■ (Ex. Falsely arresting your members in an attempt to harm your group)
■ (Ex. Reported a crime to their superior after taking a bribe)
■ (Ex. Intentionally siding with another family to harm you, such as arresting the men guarding a don as to make him open for a hit. I.E. Corruption.)

Police Officers may not be simply PK’ed or punished for doing their job, they represent a vast Government agency with large state funding who’s job is to take you down, being investigated doesn’t mean you’re being targeted, and there are other legal ways to block police from messing with your business other than murder. Murdering a police officer will likely get the entire NYPD/Feds down your back and lead to your downfall, bribes or going after officers in court are usually more effective non lethal solutions.

See server rules on Corruption
When you are acting as a Corrupt Police Officer or Government Official (in accordance with our rules) you are at risk of PK. Being corrupt is incredibly secretive and dangerous and there are several ways this can harm you:
-Being arrested and sentenced by IA or a Federal Agency.
-Being killed by a Rival gang/mob you are working against.
[Acting recklessly and not valuing your life/job.] etc

As a criminal, in order to PK a corrupt Officer/Government Official who was working with you or your faction you must show proof to staff that the user had accepted some form of bribe or done something illicit with/for you and then proceeded to either harm your faction or break your alliance/bribe by ratting or working with a rival gang instead.
Police Officers and other Government Officials may not murder another corrupt official. Only criminals / Criminal factions may do such. Vigilante PKs against corrupt LEOs or Officials are not permitted.

Being a corrupt police officer does not mean you may kill/pk people. When corrupt you leak and feed information to the criminals you are working with in RP to give them information. This includes reporting snitches to them, you may not kill the snitches yourself, you report it to the crime family who use you to get to the informant.


You've just killed someone and either need to make a quick exit before a rival gang member or Police Officer catches you; or you need to clean all the blood off your new floor. There's a plethora of evidence left at the crime scene and it can be used to imprison you for life!


As with actual murders a slew of evidence can be left behind after a killing. If your killing was done in broad day light, or the body was discovered and reported the Police will likely respond and investigate the crime. Using forensics based roleplay overseen by the forensic system to ensure the investigation into the murder is both fair and challenging. This however isn't always a sure way to be caught, criminals can roleplay and prepare for a PK in anyway they see fit. Including but not limited to, cleaning of stains, casings or disposal of the body if possible.

For Conflict rules see:


Generally PKs are to the Discretion of an Admin and a PK may be shortly followed by a /event (orange text) in chat explaining how the body was found and who is deceased. (Not always required)

If you feel your PK was unjust you may appeal it here. Don’t delete the Character! https://divergenet.works/forum/21-character-appeals/

You may not transfer the money or items of a deceased character to a new one under any circumstance.

You may ask the Admin for the reason you were PK’ed but certain specifics like ‘who did it’ may be withheld to protect the perpetrators for reasons of Meta.

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