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Gang Beef

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Posted (edited)

Your Character or Steam Name:Jeriah Smith

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:710040755

Your Discord ID#:Lubaba24

Reason for ban:Mass Rdm

Length of ban:1 week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):dispute

Why should you be unbanned? Because I'm #007 and i advertise / announce that its big 007 shit don't wanna see u diss my set or claim it so 6 ppl raided my crib didn't die but i watched they broke in and took my plants and they claimed #008 #009 #700  and they kept begging me and following me after i warned them to go away go away and being the fucking gang leader i am i knew the guy following me had an gun bc he claimed #009 and following me and getting hit by crossfire is another thing in the alley way members of my other opp set who cool w it didnt report bc they know they having fun beefing with me but an civ got in the way and followed me in the alley way with some afflicted members so me knowing im finna get my life took i withdrawal of  my firearm and sent shots at the like 7 men gang who were tryna do something to me after i said go away. We were in a beef for the turf of the townhouses so everything was cool rp was cool cops were having fun everyone just vibing 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): If its hard understanding thanks to my bud sean heres an translation.                             

After consulting with my good friend ChatGPT and instructing him to translate Ebonics/Hood Slang to proper English I translated Mr. Lubabas unban reason to this


Here's the passage translated into standard English:

"Why should I be unbanned? Because I’m #007 and I advertise and announce that it's important to respect #007. I don't want to see anyone disrespecting or claiming my set. Six people raided my house. I didn't die, but I watched them break in and steal my plants. They claimed #008 and #009. They kept begging me and following me even after I warned them to go away. As the gang leader, I knew the guy following me had a gun because he claimed #009 and was following me. Getting hit by crossfire is another matter. In the alleyway, members of another rival set who are cool with us didn't report it because they enjoy beefing with me. But a civilian got in the way and followed me into the alleyway with some affiliated members. Knowing I was about to be killed, I drew my firearm and fired shots at the seven men who were trying to do something to me after I told them to go away."

In case anybody was confused this should help out.

Edited by lubaba24
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After consulting with my good friend ChatGPT and instructing him to translate Ebonics/Hood Slang to proper English I translated Mr. Lubabas unban reason to this

Here's the passage translated into standard English:

"Why should I be unbanned? Because I’m #007 and I advertise and announce that it's important to respect #007. I don't want to see anyone disrespecting or claiming my set. Six people raided my house. I didn't die, but I watched them break in and steal my plants. They claimed #008 and #009. They kept begging me and following me even after I warned them to go away. As the gang leader, I knew the guy following me had a gun because he claimed #009 and was following me. Getting hit by crossfire is another matter. In the alleyway, members of another rival set who are cool with us didn't report it because they enjoy beefing with me. But a civilian got in the way and followed me into the alleyway with some affiliated members. Knowing I was about to be killed, I drew my firearm and fired shots at the seven men who were trying to do something to me after I told them to go away."

In case anybody was confused this should help out.

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A knight in shining armor stands before us in the ban appeals. How can we as a community sit idly by as THE 007 gets banned from our humble server. This man's roleplay capabilities know no bounds as I have seen firsthand the benefits this man brings to the community. Long Live 007.

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It was bascally if you hang with them u die with them beef we were all fighting over the town house no one that didnt wanna die got killed if u follow me in an alley way claiming an set thats on my hitlist thats done and that same set run in my crib and bagged all my shit so he reported me like an punk bc he followed me and got caught and they shot back at me and i died and then i was gonna go nlr then u tped me and the clip was short asf u ddint see when i told him stop 10 times if it was a female it wouldnt of happen i pulled my gun and he still kept running to me meaing he dont fear his life thats his fault


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Ok so for 1 Never had any interaction with you whatsoever nor did I ever "claim an opposing set"
2. I was following everyone else after you as a joke and you pulled a gun shot @Medinator so I turned to try and run away, and you proceeded to still shoot me 
3. As you were told in the sit you didn't give any warning whilst in the alleyway you just pulled a gun and started shooting as can be seen in the clip here https://streamable.com/1b9znx so please don't try and justify what you did lmao.

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2 minutes ago, Zqrxz said:

Ok so for 1 Never had any interaction with you whatsoever nor did I ever "claim an opposing set"
2. I was following everyone else after you as a joke and you pulled a gun shot @Medinator so I turned to try and run away, and you proceeded to still shoot me 
3. As you were told in the sit you didn't give any warning whilst in the alleyway you just pulled a gun and started shooting as can be seen in the clip here https://streamable.com/1b9znx so please don't try and justify what you did lmao.

your also meta gaming in that clip btw and this is your first time in the server and that clip is only 15 seconds has to be atleast an min you not showing whole clip @Seansxis this meta gaming?

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Posted (edited)

u followed me all the way from city hall and lessoned it i told u to go away multiple times

and those everyone else claimed #009 like keya And you had weapon on you and i dont think i was the one who killed u i shot u dont think i confirmed the kill

Edited by lubaba24
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No nigga you corny af

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I've noticed quite a bit of confusion as to what this lads trying to say, so I had chat GPT rewrite his ban appeal as Reginald, a plague doctor who speaks an older form of english. For your consideration:

Forsooth, I am Reginald, and I declare and proclaim that it is of utmost import to honour Reginald. I brook not the sight of any man showing disrespect or laying claim to mine dominion. Six knaves did invade mine abode. Though I did not perish, I beheld them breaching mine doors and thieving away mine herbs. They did lay claim to the domains of #008 and #009. These varlets did persist in their importunings and shadowed me even after mine warnings to depart. As the chieftain of mine band, I knew full well that the rogue trailing me bore a firearm, for he had seized the dominion of #009 and pursued me still. To be struck by errant shots is a separate matter. In the alleyway, members of a rival faction, yet amicable towards us, did not give report, for they delight in contesting with me. But a commoner did intrude upon the fray and followed me into the alleyway with some of mine associates. Knowing mine life was in peril, I drew forth mine weapon and discharged shots at the seven men who sought to harm me after I bade them to leave.

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Banning admin here,

You said you "warned people to stop following you", yet the guy who reported you didn't have a single clue who you were, you ran into an alleyway and gunned down everyone in sight.

I do understand you're not the brightest bulb, but one of those "#009" people was a public defender, a person who physically cannot join a faction.

You are not in a faction, or in a gang, you are apart of the Citizens faction, yes you can say you're apart of one sure, but you have zero ability to actually cause anything to happen to other groups.

You died a multitude of times within the last hour and in the sit you had said "they've been fucking with the 007 for a while now so i shot them", that is NLR, new life rule, and when I asked you about it, you avoided the question meaning you don't know what NLR is.

Here is the clip https://streamable.com/1b9znx

You have recent notes and bans along with no intent to actually roleplay or follow the server rules. 

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8 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

your also meta gaming in that clip btw and this is your first time in the server and that clip is only 15 seconds has to be atleast an min you not showing whole clip @Seansxis this meta gaming?

Ok so please tell me how im meta gaming? and ive definitely been on the server for days now so you got that wrong too 

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1 minute ago, Zqrxz said:

Ok so please tell me how im meta gaming? and ive definitely been on the server for days now so you got that wrong too 

"Prithee, do tell me how I am breaking the roleplay experience? Verily, I have tarried upon this server for many days now, so thou art mistaken in that regard as well."

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4 minutes ago, anzati1 said:

Banning admin here,

You said you "warned people to stop following you", yet the guy who reported you didn't have a single clue who you were, you ran into an alleyway and gunned down everyone in sight.

I do understand you're not the brightest bulb, but one of those "#009" people was a public defender, a person who physically cannot join a faction.

You are not in a faction, or in a gang, you are apart of the Citizens faction, yes you can say you're apart of one sure, but you have zero ability to actually cause anything to happen to other groups.

You died a multitude of times within the last hour and in the sit you had said "they've been fucking with the 007 for a while now so i shot them", that is NLR, new life rule, and when I asked you about it, you avoided the question meaning you don't know what NLR is.

Here is the clip https://streamable.com/1b9znx

You have recent notes and bans along with no intent to actually roleplay or follow the server rules. 

i was talking in vc but forgot u gaged me nlr is new life rule in that alley way they killed me so then i went nlr and the clip is 15 he needs an min clip for an ban btw 

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Clip is way too short sh bias asl and in the rules it says rp is endless i can be anything i want to be to make sure im having fun and i said i didnt die untill now bc they broke into my crib i was telling u but forgot i was gagged and i was roleplaying i wasent just going up and killing randoms i told him to move around he kept gigling and hes meta gaming discord in top cornor and he had an weapon its killed or be killed i didnt want to lose my life atleast i talked and didnt just startfucking shooting in rp its like real world im not taking that risk i dont wanna get mugged or robbed knowing ima faction leader and they think imsweet

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7 minutes ago, Zqrxz said:

Ok so please tell me how im meta gaming? and ive definitely been on the server for days now so you got that wrong too 

and theres discord showing on your fucking clip

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2 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

Clip is way too short sh bias asl and in the rules it says rp is endless i can be anything i want to be to make sure im having fun and i said i didnt die untill now bc they broke into my crib i was telling u but forgot i was gagged and i was roleplaying i wasent just going up and killing randoms i told him to move around he kept gigling and hes meta gaming discord in top cornor and he had an weapon its killed or be killed i didnt want to lose my life atleast i talked and didnt just startfucking shooting in rp its like real world im not taking that risk i dont wanna get mugged or robbed knowing ima faction leader and they think imsweet


The clip be far too short, showing bias as life itself, and in the rules 'tis stated that roleplay is endless. I may be anything I desire to ensure mine own merriment. I did not claim death until now, for they broke into mine dwelling. I was imparting this to thee but did forget that I was gagged. I was in the midst of roleplay and was not merely slaying random folk. I bade him to move away, yet he did persist in his mirth. He is breaking the roleplay experience, forsooth, with discord in the top corner and bearing a weapon. 'Tis kill or be killed; I had no wish to lose mine life. At least I did speak before acting and did not commence to shoot indiscriminately in roleplay. 'Tis akin to the real world; I shan't take such risks. I desire not to be mugged or robbed, knowing I am a leader of mine faction and they deem me weak.

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9 minutes ago, anzati1 said:

Banning admin here,

You said you "warned people to stop following you", yet the guy who reported you didn't have a single clue who you were, you ran into an alleyway and gunned down everyone in sight.

I do understand you're not the brightest bulb, but one of those "#009" people was a public defender, a person who physically cannot join a faction.

You are not in a faction, or in a gang, you are apart of the Citizens faction, yes you can say you're apart of one sure, but you have zero ability to actually cause anything to happen to other groups.

You died a multitude of times within the last hour and in the sit you had said "they've been fucking with the 007 for a while now so i shot them", that is NLR, new life rule, and when I asked you about it, you avoided the question meaning you don't know what NLR is.

Here is the clip https://streamable.com/1b9znx

You have recent notes and bans along with no intent to actually roleplay or follow the server rules. 

and he aint showing full clip for an reason that clip is 15 second has to be atleast an min cant ban me like that its one sided

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10 minutes ago, anzati1 said:

Banning admin here,

You said you "warned people to stop following you", yet the guy who reported you didn't have a single clue who you were, you ran into an alleyway and gunned down everyone in sight.

I do understand you're not the brightest bulb, but one of those "#009" people was a public defender, a person who physically cannot join a faction.

You are not in a faction, or in a gang, you are apart of the Citizens faction, yes you can say you're apart of one sure, but you have zero ability to actually cause anything to happen to other groups.

You died a multitude of times within the last hour and in the sit you had said "they've been fucking with the 007 for a while now so i shot them", that is NLR, new life rule, and when I asked you about it, you avoided the question meaning you don't know what NLR is.

Here is the clip https://streamable.com/1b9znx

You have recent notes and bans along with no intent to actually roleplay or follow the server rules. 

and re check your logs dont think i killed him think the ppl behide him did ngl in the crossfire they shot back and he had weapon and clip aint long enough

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Just now, lubaba24 said:

and re check your logs dont think i killed him think the ppl behide him did ngl in the crossfire they shot back and he had weapon and clip aint long enough

Definitely don't have a gun nor a gun license but sure whatever makes you sleep better 

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Just now, Zqrxz said:

Definitely don't have a gun nor a gun license but sure whatever makes you sleep better 

I'm not gonna sleep at all ima stay up all night knowing the clip was only 15 seconds but when i report someone i need 1 min at least clip ima go to sleep knowing someone is weird going on and i got banned by someone who is unknown and joined today and meta gaming by using discord in top right it isn't fair how I'm always the one being outputted always bothered in game by admins admins gag me laugh at me i put up with it as my gang in this server #007 Needs me i need my gang my gang will rival even the greats legends of the hidden parts of the world. Long Live Jeriah Smith Founder of #007 The once merciless gang ruined by corruption and bias ness hate to see my favorite server be messed up like this clip doesn't show all everything and you know the truth of what happened i hope you feel better knowing in real life you'll follow someone who says they have an gun and go away in the alley way even i wouldn't dare you have no fear for your own life.           If this is my fate then so be it i wont sit here and waste my time putting my aura and potential in making the server actually have fun and not just people fucking walking around in a gang not showing anyone the way of life this highly disappoint me even as an faction leader. Mass Rdm is non scene i killed other people and hes the only one who reported it they knew what they were getting into this is his fault.                If you deny this. As the Upcoming Gang #007 Street Gang Founded By Jeriah Smith ima have to take my good aura and fun aura to another server who would actually use it.

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1 minute ago, lubaba24 said:

I'm not gonna sleep at all ima stay up all night knowing the clip was only 15 seconds but when i report someone i need 1 min at least clip ima go to sleep knowing someone is weird going on and i got banned by someone who is unknown and joined today and meta gaming by using discord in top right it isn't fair how I'm always the one being outputted always bothered in game by admins admins gag me laugh at me i put up with it as my gang in this server #007 Needs me i need my gang my gang will rival even the greats legends of the hidden parts of the world. Long Live Jeriah Smith Founder of #007 The once merciless gang ruined by corruption and bias ness hate to see my favorite server be messed up like this clip doesn't show all everything and you know the truth of what happened i hope you feel better knowing in real life you'll follow someone who says they have an gun and go away in the alley way even i wouldn't dare you have no fear for your own life.           If this is my fate then so be it i wont sit here and waste my time putting my aura and potential in making the server actually have fun and not just people fucking walking around in a gang not showing anyone the way of life this highly disappoint me even as an faction leader. Mass Rdm is non scene i killed other people and hes the only one who reported it they knew what they were getting into this is his fault.                If you deny this. As the Upcoming Gang #007 Street Gang Founded By Jeriah Smith ima have to take my good aura and fun aura to another server who would actually use it.

So im not allowed to be in discord with my friend while im playing a video game? And i didnt join the server today so idk where you got that from. 

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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