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Ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Char name isĀ Marco 'Tigger' D'Amore and Steam name isĀ oscarslotsvikĀ 

Your SteamID (Click to retrievešŸ˜ž76561199179593498

Your Discord ID#:Ā 817427216878665739

Reason for ban: Length of ban: I rdm'ed two people at different times the first one was fully by accident. i got warned the first time. The second time someone pointed a gun at me for driving trough their naighborhood. i didnt do anything to them. so i waited a bit and then i went opp to the roof of the napoli and shot the guy who pointed a gun at me. i was unnaware that he was afk, this then led to me getting banned for a month. then a week later i was informed by one of my friends that my bann had gotten extended to a perma bann witch is wrong. and when i checked why i was perma banned it said that i mass rdm'ed x2 witch is wrong. i admit that i rdm'ed two guys yes but it was not mass rdm in any way. btw it was a two week time differense between the two rdm's i think or it was more.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Why should you be unbanned? Additional Information (images, videos, etc): i should be unbanned beacouse a ban for rdm is not permanent. i am sorry that i a little riled up and ended up rdm'ing someone but i am a serious rp'er who made the mistake of rdm. i feel that the ban was wrongfull not that shouldnt have been banned but that i got banned permanently for making a mistake it just seems wrong. i agree i should have been banned and i aggreed to get banned but i did not mass rdm once or twise simpely made a mistake.

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Banning admin here,

based on the clip that was provided, someone was afk with no firearms out for a couple of minutes, he then tabs back in and you're shooting him dead. I checked your logs and listened to your story and nothing was lining up. You had stated that these people threatened you with guns while driving your car, yet you killed the only afk guy without a gun out. You were warned the 3rd of May for RDM, banned the 26th of April for Mass Mugging.Ā 

I do agree the ban shouldn't be permanent (I wasn't the one who extended it), but you have had not one butĀ twoĀ bans for things related to "Mass", Mass Mugging, and Mass RDM.

In the ban notes this is word for word what I had mentioned.


JUST got off 7d ban, killed 1, harmed a bunch of others including AFK for 'holding guns out'.

Which is the takeaway I got from the entire sit and situation.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 week.

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