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i dont know

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Name of Character: Frank "CrashOut" Matthews


Your Discord ID#:Lubaba24

Date of PK:5/20/24

Reason for PK:I dont know just got fucked killed?

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I dont know just got killed?

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:https://streamable.com/hlz38r 

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Maybe you had a hit on you


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@AlogBokhe didnt notify me or anything bru i had tons and days on this character

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You were set PK active after stealing an item with a value of over $7k and putting it into your ATM. The guy made a ticket, sent a clip of you taking the item after he was intending to give it to someone else and then you were set active, he searched for quite a while to find you and then you were found at the Townhouse you had rented and were killed.

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@Toastthat makes no sense because i just got that save and i ddint take that weapon they mugged me for it check logs i have clip of me getting mugged for it and no one told me i were pk active thats bias and makes no sense


@Toastthat makes no scense because i see nothing saying active pk in rules and i got mugged for it jus right after dying checking logs before doing something would be better dum ass


no one told me pk was fucking active


@Toastand i just loaded into the game so you cant pk active me i have clip of me just getting in the game

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2 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

@Toastthat makes no sense because i just got that save and i ddint take that weapon they mugged me for it check logs i have clip of me getting mugged for it and no one told me i were pk active thats bias and makes no sense

Admins aren't gonna tell you that you're PK active, that defeats the whole point of being set PK active. Don't do things that will get you in a situation to be PKed and you won't get PKed, it's really not difficult.

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@ToastI didnt take the gun i got clip of them mugging me for it back so idk why i would be pk active and waste my life playing the game like this i just joined the fucking game so how am i pk active if i just joined


@Toastand theres such thing as an active pk active someone just told me on new creation if i just made character under an week you cant be pk active theres no such thing and i didnt have the gun bc i was mugged for it and rules dont show pk active so

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1 minute ago, lubaba24 said:

@ToastI didnt take the gun i got clip of them mugging me for it back so idk why i would be pk active and waste my life playing the game like this i just joined the fucking game so how am i pk active if i just joined

You were set active a couple of moments after I was sent the original clip of you stealing the gun. Just because you disconnected and reconnected doesn't void the situation.

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@Toasti didnt just hop off bc i didnt know i was pk active i got mugged for that gun so i dont know why im pked for it and i logged to take shower bc i lost everything i was mugged of


@Toastu got time to pk active but cant come when i get fail mugged your bias and your weird

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Just now, lubaba24 said:

@Toastu got time to pk active but cant come when i get fail mugged your bias and your weird

I set you PK active like an hour ago mate and went AFK. Idk what you want from me lol

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@Toastthats like saying he knew my name i didnt have the same clothing he never knew my name bc of its an new save just made you gave them my name to look for me this shit dumb asf restore me they didnt learn that in rp bc i have clip when he seen me he didnt even know it was me your just weird and mad and hate for no reason bias


@ToastPk active means me loseing my days worth of progress in game you could of dmed me or let me know in game nigga they ddint know me in game never seen me before your just bias shit makes no scene


@Toastyou cant just pk active someone without telling them you alr told the ppl my name which they ddint knew its just bias

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18 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

@Toastthats like saying he knew my name i didnt have the same clothing he never knew my name bc of its an new save just made you gave them my name to look for me this shit dumb asf restore me they didnt learn that in rp bc i have clip when he seen me he didnt even know it was me your just weird and mad and hate for no reason bias

I didn't give them any information, that would be staff abuse and metagaming. Someone knew your name and gave it to him, your name is also on the doors of the townhouse you owned.


16 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

@Toastyou cant just pk active someone without telling them you alr told the ppl my name which they ddint knew its just bias

Bro what are you on about. I'm an Admin, I can set you PK active given any valid reason. I don't have to tell you that I'm setting you PK active lol

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@Toasthe didnt even know what i looked like so u meta gamed anyway people like you actually make me wanna try on the staff app bc your such an bias punk


14 minutes ago, Toast said:

Bro what are you on about. I'm an Admin, I can set you PK active given any valid reason. I don't have to tell you that I'm setting you PK active lol

dude thats like saying i played all month everyday and as an season admin i can get you killed or pked you when i want for anyreason you having an power trip and i will be posting this on tiktok you need to be demtoed for making rules up knowing your an lowly admin


14 minutes ago, Toast said:

Bro what are you on about. I'm an Admin, I can set you PK active given any valid reason. I don't have to tell you that I'm setting you PK active lol

and they just got done mugging me then came to my house to kill me after taking the gun back you should of asked me as i have an video proof too but you wanna be an self man knowing your an little boy this is bias

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2 minutes ago, lubaba24 said:

@Toasthe didnt even know what i looked like so u meta gamed anyway people like you actually make me wanna try on the staff app bc your such an bias punk

What are you smoking? The guy made a ticket, sent me a clip of you picking up an item, I set you PK active, logged it and went AFK and told the guy to DM me when you're dead. I gave them no information at all, just accept that you died and move on, it's not that hard. You can write a staff report if you believe I'm bias and that I metagamed.

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@Toastso im pk active without being warned that makes no sense as he been mugged me back for the gun this is bias bum ass bitch ill fucking kill you nigga


ill fucking kill you pussy 


pk active on an item i dont even have thats fucking only 7 k is wild pk active should be like 100k atleast 7 k is not easy to get

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Just now, lubaba24 said:

@Toastso im pk active without being warned that makes no sense as he been mugged me back for the gun this is bias bum ass bitch ill fucking kill you nigga

I've told you this multiple times, you don't get told you're being set PK active. That would defeat the purpose of being set PK active.

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22 minutes ago, Toast said:

I've told you this multiple times, you don't get told you're being set PK active. That would defeat the purpose of being set PK active.

but you pked active me for 7k? item that i got mugged for nigga that makes no sense i had over 100k in my bank nigga i play this server alot of it pains me to see you be bias and kill the server pussy ass fuck nigga didnt even take the item nigga check logs THEY JUST MUGGED ME AND GOT IT BACK 


22 minutes ago, Toast said:

I've told you this multiple times, you don't get told you're being set PK active. That would defeat the purpose of being set PK active.

THATS RDM too and fucking dumb shi they didnt know who i was in game and i had diff clothing and it was no rp to that fucking kill that makes no sense dumb fuck nigga thats saying i can just go to someone house in game wait and kill them for no reason i alr left the sense where they said i took the gun i cant be pk active if i alr left the scene its been hours


22 minutes ago, Toast said:

I've told you this multiple times, you don't get told you're being set PK active. That would defeat the purpose of being set PK active.

No where in the rules it says beware u could get pk active if it was i woulda returned it this should be unpked

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Posted (edited)

Hello, this PK seems relatively straightforward to be completely honest. You took an item that was intended for someone else and practically stored it for yourself. I don't think I really need to explain on how it falls under mugging rules and the related PK guidelines on that. Staff members are generally not supposed to notify you if you are set to be PK-active, doing so would practically also be seen as bias on the staff member's part. I would also suggest you take a look at the Metagaming Rules section as it covers guidelines on how a player may identify someone during similar situations. 

If you have any grievances with this decision, you're free to file a staff report for any perceived wrongdoing.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact us via Discord.

Edited by Z O O M E R
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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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