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Reece Unban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Reece

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173324654

Your Discord ID#: tertia.optio

Reason for ban: Staff Abuse

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned?

I am writing to humbly appeal my ban from the server. My ban was entirely justified, as I childishly resorted to using staff as a means to target other factions. Reflecting on my actions, I am filled with regret for the immaturity of these actions, which were unfair not only to those I targeted but also to those in my own faction, as this poorly reflected on them. What I did was disrespectful to the staff, who gave me the chance to contribute to the server, which I exploited with my thoughtless actions, impacting the entire community. I genuinely regret what I did, as I now see that it ruined the enjoyment for many people. I understand that what I did was a complete disregard for what, as a staff member, I'm meant to represent. I'd like to use this time to apologize to those who were negatively impacted by these actions and beg your forgiveness. I ask for the opportunity to prove that I have reflected on these wrongdoings and to try to make them right. I hope to turn over a new leaf, but I understand that this opportunity may take more time.

Sincerely, Reece.

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For whatever its worth I can vouch that he genuinely wrote this whole appeal by himself and wants to replay the server and have fun w/o causing issues. If this could be taken into consideration when the decision is posted.

~Biased Friend Sal

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Your messages to me yesterday were confusing which is why I had originally ignored them. I completely forgot about this until I went back to look at the chats from the ban date.

From what I can see, you and friends of yours, I assume yall were IRL friends, were playing on the server and had developed some sort of beef with the at the time Genovese faction. I vaguely remember a coup ticket being made against @Seansx and it was denied. From this beef, you had applied to staff for the sole intent and purpose of gaining meta/staff abused information against them in an attempt to have them all arrested / killed off.

From your own words you only joined staff in order to 'get back at those who wronged you'.

In essence, once we discovered the use of a private discord that had been used with the intent to metagame we gathered enough proof to justify your ban and the ban of anyone else involved. I then confronted you about it over DMs / VC, whatever it was. In there I told you it would be a permanent ban unless you were forthcoming and simply co-operated with us, to which you denied the involvement of anyone else and later proudly proclaimed "I aint snitching!" Like that reputation matters on a Garry's mod server. Note that your refusal to co-operate was in the end irrelevant since we still banned the other guilty parties.

Obviously staff abuse is a brain dead short term move and a severe violation of trust, you also clearly didn't care about the consequences of what you did quote "I don't mind not getting unbanned."

In our conversation I offered you a more than fair opportunity to reduce the perma, considering the offence and you refused. In the conversation I also expressed my disappointment in your actions and you expressed both your love for staffing and love for the server, but you made the conscious decision to remain permabanned for effectively no reason or cause. 

I'm curious, despite you originally accepting the perma and doing nothing to help yourself, why do you feel appealing now is any different? You brushed away the one chance afforded to you to still exist as a member of this community. Why in god's green earth should we exercise any good faith when you couldn't exercise self-control nor the most basic level of decency when caught?

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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