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it says u guys banned for leaving the server? when i lost internet connection

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Your Character or Steam Name: Willy Paolucci Jr

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:104948855

Your Discord ID#:sam_the_man03

Reason for ban:
 it says ltap
Length of ban:
2 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i legit lost internet connection it says it was trying to reconnect in the top right i close gmod and try to log in when i got my internet back and it says i was banned for leaving the game. ive been in the city for along time i would never ltap for any reason. i really enjoy this server and would like to be unbanned cause i didnt ltap i lost internet and im sorry for losing connecting but my internet isnt the best im sorry

Why should you be unbanned? i lost internet connection and i closed gmod cause i didnt have internet and it says it was trying to reconnect but coulndt cause i didnt have internet, shouldnt it say in console i lost connecetion or was i suppose to wait the like 3000 secs it said when it was trying to reconnect.

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Hi, I am the member of staff who banned you. I was shown a clip by someone that they were in a car chase with you on their cop character, they cornered you at City Hall, kicked you out of your car and then you vanished. I went and looked in the logs and you swapped characters to avoid being arrested and then you lost connection. I gave you plenty of time to attempt to reconnect and in the logs it said you were reconnecting, so I waited. After almost 10 minutes of waiting, you disconnected again and so I issued you a ban for LTARP. I would send the clip but the person has deleted it, however here is a screenshot of the logs showing you swapping characters the moment you get tazed.


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I didn’t try to avoid anything. Legit misclciked with my big ass fingers I’m sorry about that ,and I waited on the black screen for ever and it keep saying reconnecting so I just turned gmod off, never tryed to avoid being arrested sorry it looks like that but I wasn’t trying to I simply hit the wrong button with my fat ass fingers I was trying to look in my inventory and see what I might loose and I accidentally  hit the character  thing u can see I instantly comeback to that chapter cause I accident hit the character thing by accident.never try to avoid anything I’m sorry it may look like that I just simply misclicked and I went straight back to that character the moment I made my accident and right when I came back I lost internet.


Sorry for loosing my internet I couldn’t control that and sorry I miss clicked my character screen I instantly came back to that character but at that point I had just lost internet when I came back


this was a genuine mistake and will never happen again. thank you for your time for looking over this stay blessed and have a good day.

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Swapping characters to avoid a roleplay situation is not acceptable. You're lucky I don't extend the ban considering you're recently off a perma. Shape up.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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