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PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Wan Anthony "Cannibal" Largeladies

SteamID: 76561198030030927

Your Discord ID#: 709923961986744400

Date of PK: 5/10/24 approx 7:40pm Est.

Reason for PK: One friend and I were walking down the street purely by coincidence we heard a suspicious noise, this was not radio, or relayed to us in any way. we decided to check our motel room just in case. Upon approach, we saw a co-worker of ours in restraints, Under the assumption intruders were present on account of the presence of multiple plainclothes individuals. Upon further approach, near the door, it flings open and we are quickly met with a silenced weapon, then automatic gunfire, before we return fire. 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Aside from the officers being in plain clothes, and not verbally identifying themselves as officers, I did not fire or even have a firearm equipped when met with gunfire. As such, this does not fit the structure for a valid pk. The clip attached clearly shows my partner and i in a strictly defensive situation, with police that did not Properly identify themselves. He is equipped with a python that clearly does not fire, and you can clearly see me equip a gun in the footage after being attacked. I Have a clean criminal record, and would clearly not act in this manner if there was any indication a legal procedure was in progress

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2co8fL9s0JPit6/d1337jkAbGqV?invite=cr-MSxrbmIsMjA3NjkwMTkwLA here is a clip of the incident.


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I'm just going to copy paste my reply and tweak it a little.

I'm the administrator who dealt with your PK. If you felt like the raid on your morel room was illegal, there's different legal routes you could've taken to resolve the situation. You could've made an IA report on the officers involved. You could've sued the nypd or something else. Instead, you chose to go gung-ho and ended up paying the price for opening fire on the cops. Detectives are usually always in plain clothes with police badges on them. The 3 of you who engaged in the gunfight with the cops didn't have to shoot at the cops, but you did. Even pulling a gun that's not on safety on the cops makes you an active threat and thus the cops would've had clear reason to shoot you.

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 I Understand this, and obviously this Going in "Gung Ho" was not my intention, as I did not even have a weapon equipped. as soon as we approached the door opened and we were placed under duress with no chance, or attempt from the others at de-escalation. Even so, the cops immediately fired. Neither my partner or i Initiated the shootout. The rules clearly state this is not valid because the police not only Initiated, but escelated the situation. you can see the exact quote of the full rule in the image attached above

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+1, nothing illegal was done, cops were lurking inside their property outside of uniform, with no way to identify them. 

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Do you have a longer clip of the incident from your POV that shows why you approaching the motel

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there is no longer clip, unfortunately. We were walking to get our cars, heard restraints, and decided to check our room just in case. It unfortunately turned out to be happening in our room. Our first indication something was wrong was the noise.  Regardless  the cops still initiated the violence against us. The motel is Private property, as well we approached our personal private property,  Even my friend that had a firearm out shouldn't automatically be perceived as a threat and shot at with no attempt at de-escalation, as for myself i was under fire without having a weapon equipped. Having a gun out doesn't mean people are going to start blasting, and i believe it was a legal place for us to have weapons out as well. In my clip it clearly shows the police initiating escalation. this just doesn't feel like it fits the rules to me. 

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Police cannot raid without a warrant
 -Exceptions apply if they have witnessed a severe felony, or someone is in distress, then they may use probable cause beyond a reasonable doubt to raid. 

Police may search a residence if they have probable cause. If you believe the police did not have probable cause to search a residence then it's something that is handled in character through formal reports or through courts. The Police claim they raided the group at the motel after witnessing them dropping drugs through an open window in plain view all the way from the gas station. This would satisfy probable cause to raid the room without a warrant. 

In the clip you provided your partner had his weapon drawn and in an actively pointing position. Based on this rule the police opened fire.


■ Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon.

Pointing a weapon at PD cans till be considered initiating if there is reasonable suspicion of intended violence.

From your POV you are unaware they are Police and cannot see their badges due to poor visibility.

I find the reasons you approached the motel to be odd / not fitting in the timeline well but I will reverse your PK in good faith.


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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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