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Clyde Cage PK Appeal

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Posted (edited)

Name of Character: Clyde Cage 

SteamID: Shoreleft

Your Discord ID#:  swamppilled

Date of PK: 5/10

Reason for PK: Killed in shootout with police even though I was unarmed and was used as a meat shield by police after a group of individuals pulled up to the motel because they thought we were being mugged. Police were dressed as civilians and in clip pulled up without rhyme or reason (probable metagaming) and detained my character at gunpoint while I had literally nothing in my inventory and was simply outside of the motel. In the clip you could see I wasnt even inside of the motel room when the police detained me. 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: My character was unarmed and cooperating with police after being detained in a drug bust by police officers before he was shot while restrained and on the wall. My character did not engage the police in violence and was unable to do anything while being dragged back inside of the motel room. I asked for a sit and was told the problem was resolved and I wasn't going to be PKED then was pulled into an admin room and told the contrary. All of this was clipped and in conclusion considering the circumstances I feel my character was PKed unfairly. As I stated before the police would of had no probable reason to detain me in the first place as I wasn't even within the residence that they were raiding in their alleged drug bust. 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2co7PeO4r2JjrH/nBnwY0IYhrVv?invite=cr-MSxHOGwsMTE3ODYxNDIs?mobilebypass=true (full clip of drug bust) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2covy7TWPaSczu/d1337KutRGxr?invite=cr-MSw3bEMsMzY3OTcyMDUs   

Edited by clydecage
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You were in police custody, and you died. That usually results in a PK. You can't exactly void a situation where cops saw you dealing drugs, and then you died. This just completely destroys the legal rp side of things. If you don't want situations like this to happen again, then you need to take better precautions. 

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  • clydecage changed the title to Clyde Cage PK Appeal
Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Toast said:

You were in police custody, and you died. That usually results in a PK. You can't exactly void a situation where cops saw you dealing drugs, and then you died. This just completely destroys the legal rp side of things. If you don't want situations like this to happen again, then you need to take better precautions. 

where in the clip did the police see me dealing drugs. i had nothing in my inventory and was not inside of the room when they pulled up and detained me. 

Edited by clydecage
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12 minutes ago, clydecage said:

where in the clip did the police see me dealing drugs. i had nothing in my inventory and was not inside of the room when they pulled up and detained me. 

You're in the room with cocaine bricks on the ground. You and the other guy in the room both just coincidentally found some cocaine in your motel room and didn't report it to the police?

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Toast said:

You're in the room with cocaine bricks on the ground. You and the other guy in the room both just coincidentally found some cocaine in your motel room and didn't report it to the police?

you obviously havent watched the clip and are being unreasonable and a contrarian for the sake of it. I was not in the room when they detained me you can see me directly above the stairwell. 

Edited by clydecage
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Police cannot raid without a warrant
 -Exceptions apply if they have witnessed a severe felony, or someone is in distress, then they may use probable cause beyond a reasonable doubt to raid. 

Police may search a residence if they have probable cause. If you believe the police did not have probable cause to search a residence then it's something that is handled in character through formal reports or through courts. The Police claim they raided the group at the motel after witnessing them dropping drugs through an open window in plain view all the way from the gas station. This would satisfy probable cause to raid the room without a warrant. Furthermore in the video taken by the Officer your character is clearly seen exiting the room in which they determined the suspects to be in. This gives them the legal right to detain and search you while they conduct their investigation.

As for the PK, the Administrator is referencing the following rule:


■ Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death; this means if you kill yourself in an attempt to avoid an arrest or mugging, intentionally drowning or falling to your death to avoid detainment, or even having a friend or faction member kill you while you are detained are all considered a 'disregard for your own life' and can lead to a PK.


However, in this instance, based on the POV clip provided I do not believe that your faction member Intentionally tried to kill you so you could avoid charges. Consider it bad luck. So I will be reversing this PK in good faith.



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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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