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Your Character or Steam Name: TroubledGhost

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 


Your Discord ID#: rufie.

Reason for ban: Exploiting / POs

Length of ban: 2m 4w 1d and 4hrs

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute and apology

Why should you be unbanned? 

During this ordeal, we've discovered a bug accidentally. which is used as the foundation for my ban. Watch the first clip to show the bug how it occured. I was confused as to what when where and why.. oh and how..?? I tried to establish communications with the officer (and the staff member) Alex Darcia? however he did not communicate with me at all. So i tested this bug to see if im ACTUALLY in the car or not, long story short i wasnt sure.. and it seemed like i was desppite not being there. When the officer parked at the car at the PD, i now know better NOT to take it, as during this entire ordeal i was confused and did actually forget that I got into this car from an accidental bug... So i understand where this may be coming from and I still appeal it as all because of it happening way to quick with no communication at all, full of confusion and what the darnits. I am not sure if the car was unlocked or locked at the start so worth looking into. So I apologise for that, and that being said using these POs against me as well as this isnt right, as this wasnt intentional - infact we discovered something new lol and that using the past as a reason to prosecute even more harshly even though ive clearly and significantly improved, yet you dont believe it?

And the idea that all i do is Minge is wrong [refering to alex] and the fact that I was exploiting is also wrong as that makes it seem it was malicious intent [which alex firmly believes] and is again also wrong, im now back in the government as a public defender getting ready for my court case coming up soon once the C.C is filed for a client. [oh and during which I believe we got two officers IA stricken 😛 and/or.. hopefully discharged? hoped to find out tonight] For which i hope to be there. I went afk for a couple minutes and upon on my return I found i was banned so did not have an opportunity to show the present staff the events and issue (so i wont claim or argue my views werent heard by staff online cos maybe they tried and i was afk). It doesnt help that Alex Darcia is lobbying for my perma again with the belief i am a full time minge 😕 and bring nothing to the server, which it seems like some seniors staff also believe and of course I disagree to and would bring those to vouch for me.

View my bug report if you havent [which was prior to being banned].

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Posted (edited)

You contribute nothing to the RP experience on Diverge. You're notorious for being a minge, vdming, cop baiting, and countless other scenarios you find yourself in.

This isn't the first time you've exploited something on Diverge to your own benefit or to avoid a situation. Your last exploiting ban issued by me was using /fallover to avoid being arrested by police. How you can plead ignorance and believe you're innocent is beyond me. If it was genuinely an accident with you being knocked out and getting in the cops car, I probably would've let you off and told you to make a bug report about it. However, it's the fact that you were in the guys car invisible for a few minutes whilst he drove around and then proceeded to get into his car once he got out.




Edited by Toast
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Yes I understand, like I said the whole thing dumbfounded me.. I believe I was trying to communicate with the officer so much so my attention completely went to that.. and I took the car. I stayed in the car to  communicate and figure out with them HOW the heck this occurred, but i thought it was a bug that they cannot hear me and wanted to see how far this bug goes? But it turns out they heard me the entire time and were just ignoring me. Sure i understand the stealing part at the end was an issue and hoping it could be overlooked given the circumstances as again.. it wasn't malicious intent.. And yes the fact i have POs and one of them WAS for exploiting the sitting glitch from the ban of which I did not appeal and took - which made me realise i want to stay here and definitely not be the notorious minge which everyone believes me to be.

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ive probably freed you more times from jail than you can remember 😕  

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Chill with the VDM and shit! Otherwise good in serious rp like lawyer and whatever else.
With video proof doesn't seem like he was intentionally exploiting?

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I have not VDM'd or done the likes at all in a looong time. But yes, lawyer and gun dealer RP is my jam. Also bullying Deebo on the street.

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True I dont see u vdm. I think ppl may cry about it cause they dont like ur goofy character. You do leave when asked to or so if people find u annoying. Some will push it tho 🤔

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Posted (edited)

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 month.


I think you need to take a long look and just stay out of trouble. While I can see it possible you did not know that you would be somehow put in the cop car, I think you could have gone about it better. Like for example not trying to speed away in the cop car.


This with your long list of past offences leads me to believe that what could have been a situation where you report a bug was turned into you being a minge because of your own immature actions.

Edited by Youbear
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