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Ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Cuban

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:492546344

Your Discord ID#: 791089543843020800

Reason for ban: RDM and PO

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'm not sure why i got banned for this in the first place im pretty sure i didnt do anything.

Why should you be unbanned? I never did it

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

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Hey there I'm am the Banning admin, you was Reported by Ling Long Richard i think was the char, he showed me a video where he was being chased by police he was in a char and they were on foot, when he had turned around you sent a round of I'm assuming buckshot into their window killing the driver and passenger, just before i brought him to a sit i remember going to him and you saying something about PK's, anyways when I was going to pull you i saw you left the server 2 minutes after his death and i know you saw him get pulled to a sit since you were speaking to him just beforehand, so I banned you for RDM x2 as you shot and killed 2 people for no reason and you have 2 PO's for RDM. I can see the other officers tried to shoot the wheel out but you send buckshot into their front window.

Edit: Relooking at the clip just sent you knew he was doing a staff sit and said "then we can get you PK'ed" so you knew there would be a sit and i should've added LTAP to the ban


Edited by Logan
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20 minutes ago, Logan said:



aw shit fam didnt realize i left so quickly after i shot those people, my bad.

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You are forgiven, oh on the bright side.. Ling Long is dead 😛 

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free shoddy

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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