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Being chased by police

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They should not be able to just go into the water and completely evade arrest. Should at least be a rule or something, because they know tasers dont work in water

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haha u mad i got away nigga

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4 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said:

haha u mad i got away nigga

that wasnt you because u never bought the car he was driving, fucking retard

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Yeah no, you should not NOT be able to go into the water to evade police because of functionality issue and because it is an effective method of evasion (not due to the exploit ofc)..


I do agree the taser not functioning as intended in water has opportunity to be exploited, however most RP does not play out this way.. the only ones that utilise this exploit and method usually are minges conducting Minge RP that intentionally evade custody by using this exploit... even then staff are usually on scene to reprimand the minge. 

Otherwise there are many effective in character RP ways to deal with this... 

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7 hours ago, Jmoorsey said:

haha u mad i got away nigga

stop talking thanks

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maybe not a rule against it, but make it so tasers work in the water, another idea i had, not be able to swim with a broken leg, so if cops see a guy running to water they can leg him and he cant swim!

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3 hours ago, Faith said:

maybe not a rule against it, but make it so tasers work in the water, another idea i had, not be able to swim with a broken leg, so if cops see a guy running to water they can leg him and he cant swim!

idk if thats like an actual cvar the taser has built into it. If not, they would need to do a lot of shit just for it to work in the water

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4 hours ago, Canadian-bacon said:

If someone elects to go into the water to avoid arrest and ends up dying it can easily be a PK as they intentionally put their life at risk. PK is the deterrent consequence. 

just to get this straight, im a cop, fella jumps into the water and dies, its a pk?

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6 hours ago, Canadian-bacon said:

If someone elects to go into the water to avoid arrest and ends up dying it can easily be a PK as they intentionally put their life at risk. PK is the deterrent consequence. 

does this also mean if they get shot at by cops? even if cops started the engagement?

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there shouldn't be a rule for minges that goes to staff anyway. even if i agree that it is a good idea to add this

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