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A way to move single unit items like drug baggies at once

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I like to store my proccesed stuff in ATM's so I can just do one big sell at once but the whole drag and move thing getting a lil annoying so I think a good way to save time and conveniance is to be able to sellect a group of single unit items and then move that all at once

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no get to dragging boy

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or get pendred to add backpacks back.

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No to backpacks... but definitely +1 on the suggestion to be able to move multiple items in one go. Literally the one of best way to get RSI, dragging full inventory one by one... or when clearing logs x.x 

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something like a shift right click like in minecraft to add anything in the ATM would be great 

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Maybe even add an auto sorter for donators?

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22 hours ago, TroubledGhost said:

Maybe even add an auto sorter for donators?

this is a really smart way to make money for the serv

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even double clicking an item to automatically transfer it to a container (crate, other person's inventory (when mugging), ATM, car trunk, etc) would be way better

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5 hours ago, bingus said:

Even double clicking an item to automatically transfer it to a container (crate, other person's inventory (when mugging), ATM, car trunk, etc) would be way better

This was my thinking, in all honesty. Would be a huge QOL improvement

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  • 2 weeks later...

The UI could lend itself well to right-clicking an item, asking if you want to bring over 1, 5, 10, All quantities to opposing storage container, then filling out the bank. The only issue I can foresee with it is logs. Since the logs track everything down to the item's ID number, logs would need to be condensed for mass transfers in banks.

To compound this idea, I think the logs system would need the ability to click on a specific log entry and have it dropdown to reveal all the items transferred in the exchange in a list format. Thinking from the bank perspective, that is.

Otherwise, you could just reuse the same logic that's used when you're taking from a shipment since that already takes care of putting something in the first usable slot of space in your inventory. The logic exists for it on a single item level. If the logic could be retooled to where people can take quantities of items and put them in inventories, it may even help with grabbing all items from a crate too. It would just need to iterate over the function.

Quantity sensing code also exists due to the NPCs, so sensing out how much someone has in any given inventory shouldn't be difficult either. I think another coding roadblock would likely be ensuring that the code senses out how many slots are free in the opposing inventory. If someone tries to bring 40 of an item over but their inventory can only house 38, should the code send an error that the user didn't have enough space or should it state a message saying '38 XXXs was transferred to the {opposing inventory label}!'? I lean toward the latter with my own thoughts.

It also needs to be coded cleanly so the server doesn't take too much on at once. Ideally, the server should be able to handle 128 items being transferred per second / tick / whatever. Can it handle that happening on a larger scale? Would it impact performance if many people were doing mass transfers of 40 items to their inventory at around the same time (possible use case with drug baggies and doing mass selling)? These are questions I don't have answers to.

Sorry, I rambled a lot here.

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+1 Dragging single baggies or even bricks is time consuming and boring.

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