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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: dot

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:43081477

Your Discord ID#: guropilled

Reason for ban: punch minge

Length of ban: 7 days to now permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): miscommunication, I have diagnosed asperger's and was confused what was going on. my audio and mic was not working and i kept trying to get into a restaurant and they kept shooting me and then after that everywhere i went random people kept shooting me and punching me and I was punching back in response. I couldn't even leave the hospital without multiple people spawn camping me there, it was chaotic. eventually I was pulled aside by whom i believe to be the admin and he kept trying to talk to me on the mic but unfortunately my audio and mic was not working 😕 I couldn't get it to work in gmod as I'm new to gmod and not tech savvy. I kept attempting to fix it and asking him if he could hear me now but no result and i guess he must have said i was being banned temporarily which I couldn't hear. after i saw i was suddenly disconnected with a 7 day ban message I didn't know how to contact the admin so i attempted to rejoin on a different account to @ the admin once i joined to explain to him/her I couldn't hear anything he was saying and if he could talk to me in chat so i can explain what happened but i didn't know attempting to rejoin would result in a permanent ban. I just wanted to plead my case since i couldn't hear anything he was saying and didn't get a chance to talk to him properly, my attempt was not to ban evade I just didn't know how else to contact him to explain mic/audio wasn't working and that i was mostly punching back as a result of multiple people rdm'ing me

Why should you be unbanned?

just genuine confusing and lack of communication with the admin due to no audio/mic and my first time on the server not fully understanding the rules and retaliating all the rdm i was receiving which was clearly not the right decision to do. I have since fixed my headset to work in the game and would like to properly play and engage in the immersive role play and abide to the ruleset and have a good time. 

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-1. if you were being RDMd, you shouldve went to a admin. Feigning ignorance cant apply when your actions are non-sensical. Even a darkrp environment would ban you for this shit smh.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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