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Ling Long Richard Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Ling Long Richard

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:90789839

Your Discord ID#: rufie.

Reason for ban: VDM LTAP

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute :p

Why should you be unbanned? I believe the incident is an accident, I was going to go back to the cop and apologise and show him the clip but did not want to break NLR and left it be. I decided to go afk not being aware a sit would be made. I tried to get in touch with Toast to show him the clip lol which i find hilarious by the way due to it being so random and unexpecting. 

As per the video, i saw someone being harrassed and beaten to death and I had physical evidence which I took and wanted to rush to the NYPD to report it [ironically to the cop whom i ran over..]. However before getting there I turned into PD but my view was obstructed by the walls as he was walking out and accidentally ran him over and this caused a GMOD moment and caused an explosion. [ see link]. I turned to the main road looking for on coming traffic or other pedestrians crossing, then turned into the PD parking lot then BAM!.


Note i was speeding as you can hear in the video the man pulled his gun OUT of safety and i believed my life was under threat and was going to be chased thus rushing. Also sorry to whom ever I killed.

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So I was shown a clip from the cops POV, you came zooming round the corner into the PD, hitting the cop and basically instakilling him. Then a couple of moments later you had conveniently disconnected from the server. I noticed you were reconnecting so I started spectating you to watch and wait for you to load in fully. I gave you plenty of time to reconnect and load in fully so you could be brought to a sit and explain things from your POV. Seeing as you have just come back from a month ban, you've been involved in multiple cop tickets due to you fucking around with your vehicle. Personally, I do not think your ban should be lifted as you've been back on the server for like two days and are already doing stupid shit.



Edited by Toast
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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