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Character Pk appeal

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Name of Character: allaatundie gomayei

SteamID: 76561199362888615

Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog

Date of PK: 4/25/2024

Reason for PK:  mug character

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i should be unpked because im new to gmod and didnt know u can get pked for saying " idc abt this character im teaching my friend how to mug" i believe this was interpreted as this character is a mug character and didnt care about the character. I didnt read the rules fully about this because i didnt really think that admins ban people for some dumb words. but yeah i understand the ban but not the PK just wondering does that come like a combo. idk really but i would like to have that character back maybe and i will read up on the rules but yeah i only have around 100 hours so maybe u could cut me a break and im srry for my actions i wont speak so arrogantly again. hope u accept this because i put alot of time into that charcter and would like to have another chance.

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Hi, I was the staff member that banned you.
You made it very clear you didn't care about the character, and I, I believe correctly so, interpreted that behavior as reflective of a mugging character.



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Personally I didn't initially interpret what they said as a mugging character, rather that they simply do not care if they are PKed essentially. 

Players should have not broken RP and spoke in OOC terms though. Instead of a PK, they should have been punished appropriately for breaking RP and saying OOC terms ICly.

Though I checked logs and I cannot confidently say this character was a mugging character.

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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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