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Diego "Rapida" Martono


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Name of Character: Diego "Rapida" Martono

Your Steam ID# :  STEAM_0:0:490693398

Your Discord ID#: alaq

Date of PK: 23/4/2024

Reason for PK: 45+ Years 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

Powergame. I went into PD to get my Arrest Warrant fulfilled after I saw it had been put out in the Police Discord. Seeing as there was no chance I was getting out of my charges (20x Aggravated Possession of Illegal Narcotics + possible time for Weapons Stockpiling), I decided I would get it over with so I could start my next characters life sooner rather than later. I told them who I was, they checked my ID, confirmed it was me, and brought me to the cells. After that, they brought me out of the cells and sentenced me to a hundred years. 

My boss, Vito Martono (or the._.don on discord), than started having me do other things before he hopped into a VC with someone who had a clip of everything that had happened. After watching it, he'd realize that no Plea Deal was signed, making any and all sentences null and void. However by that point I had already been sentenced, and called an admin to get me PK'ed. I guess I or they misunderstood because when I told them I needed to be PK'ed for my sentence, they put my reasoning as Suicide instead of Sentencing. 
(Vito is currently in the process of getting the clip, it was longer than usual and requires cutting. Source: ._falcon_. )

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
Edited by emopreserve
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Hi, I am the one who PKed you. I was not made aware by yourself or any of the police online that you were sentenced/force plea'ed. You simply made a ticket asking to be PKed, which I took as a suicide request as you were in the pen faction, which is usually when people make suicide PK requests. I believe the situation surrounding your arrest should've been handled properly and not just stuck into the pen faction and force plea'ed.

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I wasn't familiar with how the justice system worked so I just did what I thought I was supposed too, sorry for the misunderstanding

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I am/was his Boss and the one who reviewed the clip (which I'm still trying to get, sorry) and told him to make a PK appeal. +1 

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I will be nice and reverse the request YOU MADE. This usually does not happen, so do not expect it any other time and it doesn't happen 99% of the time for others.


There was no plea deal filed.

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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.


I just saw the character was deleted, so that cannot be reversed. Unfortunate.

Edited by Rem
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