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Ban Appeal for Middle Manning


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Your Character or Steam Name:
Character Name: Victor "Vatari" Vanson, Steam: NeverBeGameOver
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):
Your Discord ID#:
Reason for ban:
Item Transfer/Middle Manning
Length of ban:
3 Days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
I'm making this appeal in to own up and accept responsibility of my actions and looking to move forward after taking the time the brush up on the sever rules. As well Apologizing for acting out in bad faith of my actions for middle manning item transfers. I understand that I shouldn't be breaking sever economy and helping a player that's been Pk'd, swap their previous items over to a new character, so they can bypass the initial stages of building player wealth. As well circumventing the whole point of why the sever features Pk's. 
Why should you be unbanned?
Having no priors offenses before this ban, I only intend to follow the rules and not repeat any of the same actions in the future, and not break any other rules that leads to other bans. I have no interest or will to ever try doing something like ever again, especially if encountering a similar scenario in the future, I can ensure the right actions to avoid the consequences for my self and other players acting in the same vein. Any failure to do so in the future will be my fault and failure of the lesson learned here.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

Not every item was transferred over to from the Pk'd player to the new one. I'm willing to hand over all items ASAP and have no interest of holding on to them for personal gain as well as selling them off. 

Edited by MadVillainy
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banning admin here, so when i had pked the guy for he first time i saw he gave you a couple items and i had written down the ids for them and then later when you made a ticket to get a new hire whitelisted and he was wearing the same suit he transferred i checked logs and saw it was the same suit  and pulled you both to a sit and admitted that you knew it was item transfer and that it wasn't aloud but you did it anyways so i banned you for 3 days and the receiver for 4 days.

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Item Transfer is one of the bigger character rules on this server and will typically be treated pretty severely. Please read up on the rules and rejoin once your ban is up. 

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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