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Johns Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Frank Tony

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:203087680

Your Discord ID#: definitleyjohn#4370

Reason for ban: LTAP

Length of ban: 1 day 1 hour

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned? yes i left but i was trying to join back a min later and it said i was banned i thought there is a wait time before you ban people for ltap

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Okay typically yes, however you were screaming how you were going to call an admin, and then screamed how you were going to "just leave" if you were arrested. Then you got tased, and what do you know, you left. Clear intent, open and shut case.

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The time period we give is to insure that nobody who accidentally disconnects or lagged out or crashed gets incorrectly banned. It's not applicable in your situation.

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So what i yelled that even if i left i would still give someone the chance to join back im sorry that i left and all but i started to join back right after i left.

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You left to avoid a roleplay situation. It's not like you crashed, lost connection or accidentally disconnected. You told @KingJewMonaclu that you were leaving and then proceeded to do so. Take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes. If you believe an arrest is not valid, then you can go down IC routes of dealing with it, such as getting a lawyer and contesting the charges, going to court or filing an Internal Affairs report. Intentionally disconnecting is not a valid reason.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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