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/doorkick on silly seated fellas!


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allow for /doorkick to be used on people sitting down to force them to stand up! this way officers wont need to call staff every time someone sits to avoid a arrest / rp! saves everyones time! 

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I'm a big fan of this, but I think there might be game mechanic issues for it.


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56 minutes ago, KingJewMonaclu said:

I'm a big fan of this, but I think there might be game mechanic issues for it.


sitting down spawns an invisible chair entity (if its the same addon i remember from like 2016), as long as the person using /doorkick knows how to aim at a person sitting down, it'll work.

only restriction i'd personally add is if they're afk, OR sat down within the last 2 minutes just cause

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Cops would just go around and /doorkick everyone they see sitting down to troll.

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3 minutes ago, Marzii said:

Cops would just go around and /doorkick everyone they see sitting down to troll.

good to see you still can't read

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16 hours ago, Marzii said:

Cops would just go around and /doorkick everyone they see sitting down to troll.

add a timer like anzati said, like how you cant tie afk players, you cant door kick afk players


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