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PaxAPunchers ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: John Canada

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198354591659/

Your Discord ID#: mrsludge

Reason for ban: allegedly Ltap

Length of ban: 1 day

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? i should be unbanned because i did not Ltap while being tazed by police, my garrys mod had crashed once the tazer hit me and activated. when i relogged into the sever i was running around on a different character for about 5 minutes when i was pulled into a sit by said admin. he then clamed by me being on another character and by Ltapping i was avoiding a sit with him even though i was never brought to a sit prior. during this sit i tried to explain i did not Ltap which is clearly easy to check via logs and i also had a video to show as proof. everytime i tried it was not an Ltap he tried to talk over me which eventually led to him force gagging me and not letting me tell my side. eventually he did unmute me and i was at that time very upset at the situation however i didnt do anything wrong to be in the sit and be treated this way. i can understand how it could look like me Ltapping from that situation however this whole situation could have been avoided if the admin simply let me tell/show my story and check the logs instead of assuming i was guilty.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1163650239295651890/1230308473624072303/sus-1.mp4?ex=6632d90e&is=6620640e&hm=dd9dc9e3e164955eb9c0b6bf55cdd66360081655d25a63c3ad815717035aedf7&

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Hello Banning Admin here i banned you for LTARP not LTAP, you got tazed on your John Mexico char and left logs tell me you disconnected by User and i checked to see if you had came back. you did not a minute later on your Olivia Clerk char which i asked multiple time why you LTARPed you did not respond went off that char to delete your John Mexico char then you created and went onto your John Canadian char where i pulled you back to the sit to continue. I admit i thought you deleted your Olivia Clerk char to get away but after double checking it was you deleting your John Mexico char which was the one being arrested. However i Banned you for LTARP because you didn't go back onto your John Mexico char to continue the RP situation of being arrested and was trying to argue with me about waiting in cells. i didnt want to keep going back on fourth for an unnecessary amount of time when you had Clearly LTARPed. To make sure you do know i didn't ban you for LTAPing the sit. You were on your Olivia Clerk char for less then 5 mins 1 min was you being silent in the sit


Edited by Logan
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9 minutes ago, Logan said:

My borther in christ did you not watch the video

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You do realise that I mentioned that you could've returned back as John Mexico to continue the RP but didn't and instead deleted the character instead AFTER you got pulled by me into a staff sit about LTARP

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I shall some this up in bullet points

  • Crashes from tazer on John Mexico
  • Gets reported
  • Gets pulled by me on Olivia Clerk after loading in under a min later
  • Doesn't respond for about a min
  • Gets off Olivia clerk to delete John mexico
  • Makes John Canada char
  • Gets pulled again 
  • Has back and fourth
  • Gets banned by me for LTARP because you never returned to the scene of RP you crashed in and deleting the char you crashed on to make returning to said RP situation impossible
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https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1163650239295651890/1230334687201857597/yapper.mp4?ex=6632f177&is=66207c77&hm=6b00168ee8b4068dade62efc4a4ac6b0dd9bf3559a3d5533f469e2fe6d21d038& also here is the video of me play as oliva clerk https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1163650239295651890/1230334876574552125/yapper_v2.mp4?ex=6632f1a5&is=66207ca5&hm=76fd8414cc0b2ec5e848903ab2f0e4ed46a73fd65bf2cd91dba292dbbc34f2f3&


again this all could have simply been avoided if you let me talk

Here is the 6min video of the sit, not once did you claim LTARP, you claimed i LTAP'ed, Also there we no real RP going on considering i was tased for nothing nor was i talked to prior to the tase so i didnt think it was such a big deal to not return. Finally You claimed i was deleting chars after you pulled me which clearly in this video isnt true, i also show in this video you never pulled me to the sit as olivia clark as well which btw i have recorded the whole time i was on oliva BEFORE you pulled me. Idk why your trying to gas light me and anyone rn which is very unprofessional coming from a Senior Admin.

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This Senior Admin is giving me Whoreson flashbacks


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9 hours ago, Ilikemen said:

Also there we no real RP going on considering i was tased for nothing nor was i talked to prior to the tase so i didnt think it was such a big deal to not return. 

I literally have a clip of you being told not to come back into PD, you proceeded to taunt us coming back onto the property, and when you got tased you disconnected, the 2 other officers that told you not to come back watched you disconnect.


You DC'ing is near the end of the clip, everything in between is you being told not to return the PD.

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Its clear you intentionally avoided RP here so your ban will stand, I don't see anything wrong with Logans actions either, you were hostile for little to no reason in the sit which would only make it worse. The vid does look a bit like a crash and you did come back after but deleting the char when you came back just makes it look like you intentionally left so you could avoid that rp scenario.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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