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Dools Flag Appeal


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Your Name: Thecooliestdool

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103194764

Staff Member involved: Logang

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Prop

Reason for blacklist (if given): N/A

Why should they be returned?: A spawned a prop on the water, a jetski, which I have never had an issue with before. The prop does move, but I have done this in front of many admins and it is only used to enrich RP. I have never used it to go to the barge even. I understand prop flying, but this was on the water. I use props every day to enrich RP for everyone involved in my faction and it saddens me for them to go for this reason. I will never spawn the jetski again.

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Hi the PET Flag taking Admin here, earlier i pulled you as you tried to use a helicopter dupe which i told you was classed as prop flying/surf and gave a note so anyone else that may see it would take your flags next time, i see you trying to spawn in a jetski dupe which was useable like how the helicopter was, pulled you and took your flags as that is still classed as the same thing. you should've read up on the rules surrounding this when you donated for PET flags


Prop rule 1 and 7 apply in server rules apply https://divergenet.works/topic/5-1980s-mafia-roleplay-server-rules/#comment-8

1.You may not propkill, propsurf, prop block or prop climb.

7.Breaking these rules will result in a ban or removal of PET flags.

Edited by Logan
  • Disagree 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just because an admin is OK with it doesn't mean UA is.

We no longer allow helicopters or any prop-moving vehicles/things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having a staff member warn you for something and then not reading the rules regarding it, and the same staff member catching you AGAIN is all on you.

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Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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