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Banned wrongfully for metagaming


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name MrLogicnova

steam id https://steamcommunity.com/id/MRLogicNova

Your Discord ID#: 557673831154712576

Reason for ban: meta gaming

Length of ban: 1 week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): boomroasted  was in the situation and bans me for meta gaming when i was not metagaming and 1 week is excessive for something i didnt do

Why should you be unbanned? well first off  im in a vc with a friends who doesn't play mafia rp waiting to play mc so how can i be meta gaming second off i dont event know what happened and the so called good admin goes out of his char that i watched die and screams how did you tell your friend so i responded what friends he leaves and im banned for metta gaming with no proof or evidence as im in a vc with my friends wanting to play Minecraft

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

Edited by MrlogicNova
Link looks weird and to fix spellings link didnt fix so i fixed it
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also if your mad because you died dont take it out on the innocent lol 

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also last person who got banned for meta gaming got 3 other offences so even if i did that time makes no sense 



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I was not screaming at you, I asked you how your friend was able to know that you were in here. Your friend said that "you told him over the phone". Me being on my cop char has nothing to do with this as it was RDM and against server rules to raid pd. Your friend admitted to getting OOC information on your arrest, simple as that. I was not involved with your RP at all, besides being RDM'd by your friend. You also have prior notes for metagame.

Edited by Boomroasted
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crazy thing is i know thats a lie because i had no idea they where comming


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Supply with proof 

aswell as i was locked up with my other friend. my other friend got released and told him about me being in jail it what i was informed sooooo lying on a ban looks so good on you 


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10 minutes ago, MrlogicNova said:

Supply with proof 

aswell as i was locked up with my other friend. my other friend got released and told him about me being in jail it what i was informed sooooo lying on a ban looks so good on you 


please be respectful. Its not a good look on you being accusatory when trying to appeal your own potential wrongdoing.

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ye well thsai admin is pissed that he got killed then took his own ticket then bans me without proof of something i didnt do and pked my char so i have every right to be angry


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Hey, I can confirm this guy didn't metagame. I was locked up alongside him and I told the Bloods member about him being locked up after i got released [im guessing he then went and shot up PD]


I feel like its unprofessional from Boom Roasted to answer his own ticket but its rly wtv

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Boom didnt necessarily take his own ticket, i made it aware to him that there was possible metagaming/powergaming going on and he answered and got to the point where it was infact true

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1 hour ago, Creambru said:

Boom didnt necessarily take his own ticket, i made it aware to him that there was possible metagaming/powergaming going on and he answered and got to the point where it was infact true

also i was in RP for this and in no way was i involved with the investigation or punishment other then making him aware of the situation

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still doesn't make sense to ban someone with no proof


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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 5 days.


 My reasoning is you have very few prior offences. Keep in mind this sort of leniency is not afforded to all but I hope after these 5 days you have a read through the rules. 

Edited by Youbear
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