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Pk appeal

dijitle nick

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Name of Character: Casey Love

SteamID: 76561199158685945

Your Discord ID#: dijitlemonk

Date of PK: 04/09/1988

Reason for PK: Not given one

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: don of faction said it was unwarranted 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: 

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Hello! I am the person that has PK'd your character, we thought you were someone else, after realizing you were the right person, we decided to PK your character for being in cuffs too many times, and being an overall minge. While I am sorry for PK'ing your character, this PK was your own fault.

-Jmoorsey ❤️

Edited by Jmoorsey
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I just got word it was due to the don of the french saying i left without permision but these were screen shots from then


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The don himself said it was invalid and dons orders should be handled by the DON as said in the rules

Screenshot 2024-04-09 204621.png

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can i see the official pk order


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8 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said:

Hello! I am the person that has PK'd your character, we thought you were someone else, after realizing you were the right person, we decided to PK your character for being in cuffs too many times, and being an overall minge. While I am sorry for PK'ing your character, this PK was your own fault.

-Jmoorsey ❤️

and i beat every case nor have i gotten a warning for such never lost a finger or anything PK is the LAST OPTION

also im not a minge yes i get into some trouble but who doesnt im a popular lawyer in the city even beating the DA in a case last night



Edited by dijitle nick
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the fact that you are getting arrested frequently, making us change our radio frequently, is more than enough to PK you.

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define frequently and also you just followed orders how do you know the exact reason 

plus your first reason was french don orders me for leaving now its arrests

lastly im a lawyer so yeah im seen at pd alot and yes i get searched when i enter that isnt a valid reason to pk me

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Okay so, I'm the administrator that approved this PK and I'd like to clarify a few points that I think are being lost here.

Firstly, you were pked by takahashi.

Secondly, the reason listed was because you were minging and disregarding high command.

You leaving the french was not the issue, it was that takahashi decided that you were too much trouble and decided to kill you.

In regards to your comment stating "nor have i gotten a warning for such never lost a finger or anything PK is the LAST OPTION", it's just a recommendation. There's little oversight over don's orders, and you can relatively be pked for any reason, as long as it's not explicitly against server rules. In this case, just them thinking that you were a problem was enough to cause your death.

This is important to remember in the future, as joining a faction comes with inherent risks.

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as i said the Don said it was invalid


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he was the one who told me to make the appeal

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also what was there evidence to the disrespect and what did i do that was disrespectful


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19 minutes ago, dijitle nick said:

as i said the Don said it was invalid


Do yourself a favor and post where he said that btw


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oh yeah I also have been in jail for the past two weeks so I didnt have a chance to disrespect someone


Edited by dijitle nick
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After getting confirmation with the don he says the PK is valid


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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