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Vinchenzio Alamado character appeal


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Name of Character: Vinchenzio Alamado

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:522975706

Your Discord ID#: zx_v

Date of PK:  4/8/2024

Reason for PK: Toast told me he would find the admin that approved it and tell him to comment the reason underneath since it is not yet logged.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I have no clue why I was PK'd I have not mugged anyone or broken into anyplace. Also have gotten confirmation that I wasn't pk'd by the faction I am in.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: here's a medal clip but it doesn't really explain much

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Hello I was the staff member that did this pk you were pkd for Dons order with reason being leaving the faction without permission 


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Ok so based off what monaclu sent me it was kwik kash that pk'd me. Only thing I dont understand is why two months later and is that allowed.

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Hi, I was the admin who had *originally* verified and approved your pk. At the time that the orders were given, I verified that the orders were given within 2 weeks of you having left the faction. They were, and it was approved. However, you had neglected to be on that character very often, or otherwise were not online at the same time as the people who had given the orders on your life. Due to this, it took an extended amount of time for the PK to be actually carried out. However, they found you were in city today, and were able to successfully perform the PK.

I will under this post the specific rules regarding leaving a faction.



This 'left faction' reason is valid for 2 weeks after the individual leaves your organization. If you failed to notice or care before those two weeks expired then clearly this person was not important enough to warrant going after. (Exceptions made if they snitch, falls under a different pk reason) However note that the target not logging on does not affect your ability to place the hit in-game. So give the in-game order before the 2 week expiration, regardless if they log in or not and you will still be permitted to carry out the hit later down the line. (Be careful! If they have already joined a new gang you may have to have an in-game sit down to sanction the hit or you may risk damaging your reputation with the faction they are now in)


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Evidence produced has invalidated this PK


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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