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I must be loyle to my capo

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TONY: (leaning in, whispering) You gotta remember, kid. Loyalty is everything in this life.

CHRISTOPHER: (nods solemnly) I know, T. I'll never forget where I come from.

TONY: (smirks) Good. Now let's toast to the family.

[They raise their glasses, clinking them together.]

CHRISTOPHER: To the family.

TONY: (eyes Christopher) And remember, loyalty means more than anything. Loyalty to your capo, to your brothers... loyalty to the very core of who we are.

CHRISTOPHER: (resolute) I must be loyle to my capo.

[The scene fades out as they continue their conversation, the weight of loyalty heavy in the air.]


[Christopher sits at his desk, typing furiously. He pauses, staring at the screen, then continues to type.]

CHRISTOPHER (V.O.): Loyalty. It's the thread that binds us all. But what happens when loyalty conflicts with ambition? When the family you love demands sacrifices you're not sure you can make?

[Christopher leans back in his chair, contemplating, as the screen fades to black.]


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13 minutes ago, Canadian-bacon said:


bro thinks hes a true soprano watcher, its spelled loyal

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