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New Player Guide: Introduction to Mafia RP

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New Player Guide

The main focus of Mafia RP is to discover and enjoy a story based on the character you’ve created. The freedom is yours to become either criminal, cop, lawyer, businessman or whatever else your heart desires. The game mode is all about social interaction, forming in character connections and bonds with other players as you enforce, evade or argue the law.

The main focus of this short guide is to get you started on the server as well as have a basic understanding of how the game mode functions. The rest you can figure out for yourself in character. Topics we’ll cover here are as follows:
  • Important Links
  • Game related terms
  • Character Creation / Functions [PKs]
  • Making Money: Basic | Getting Started
  • Basic Social Interaction & Communication 
  • Server Maps
  • Legal Roleplay
  • Controls / Commands / Misc.

Important links:
(You may click the following to be taken to the pages)
1980s Mafia RP - New York Southside - steam://connect/

Game related terms:
Game related terms are things you may hear players say or talk about in relation to the server:

IC: In Character
OOC: Out Of Character
PK: Player Kill / Permanent Kill.
LTAP/LTARP: Leave to avoid punishment/roleplay. Disconnecting in a fit of rage when the roleplay doesn’t go your way.
Minge/NITRP: A Minge is simply someone who is not there to roleplay or play properly and only breaks the rules.
PO: Past Offense, used to describe when someone keeps breaking the same rule.

Character Creation / Functions [PKs]

The way you should look at creating your character is to imagine an individual or type of individual you’d like to roleplay as, selecting their First name and Last name, ethnicity, age and other physical attributes. All these factors combine and lend themselves to greater roleplay possibilities as you begin the story arc of that particular character.

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[Image: u_SsUgy6ZG9-i8TD7MzOpqsvEM3hn8U0mIM-Vw_2...c3vZBQvllc]

Endurance: Affects how long you can run.
Stamina: Affects how fast you can run.
Strength: Affects the strength and power of your punches.

PK - (Permanent Kill)

A PK refers to when the character is dead or given a life sentence. It will appear as ‘killed’ in the character selection screen. This indicates that the character can no longer be used. Their story came to an end through a natural progression of roleplay and we hope you enjoyed that experience. You can simply delete them and make new characters and start new storylines! (When a Character is deleted it is permanent) 

To understand what can get a character PK’ed we recommend you read our rule page.

If you were PK’ed and feel it was unjust then you may appeal it on our forums under the section ‘Character Appeals’

Making Money: Basic | Getting Started

The main motivation of most will be the grab for cash, power and status. Making money through any means necessary, whether a legal job, government position, theft, drug cultivating or gun trafficking, the choice is yours. Each method and practice comes with its own risks and rewards. 

To get started on this we recommend you speak with a few key NPCs at Town Hall. They’ll provide you with useful directions and other information on where to get some basic jobs for some starter cash, alternatively you can also roam the streets and seek to be employed or informed by other players.

The first NPC being Sean Johnson, he will provide you directions to key landmarks, job sites and even some shady alleys.

[Image: ZcJFIWd93UYVOQvf0e9Dc0QbiHyCmHO1oxFT_lze...MK4FG7Sy0s]

Alternatively you can access the NAVIGATOR in your inventory menu. Hit F1, go to the inventory tab, then click the top item on your right hand utility side.

[Image: mci2RCa.png]

Then hit the either arrows to choose places, hit the green button to mark waypoints to them on your screen or the red button to close the navigator.

[Image: mmif0Yh.png]

Once at the job sites you’ll want to speak with the Job NPC and begin working on the provided tasks to earn cash each time. Either as a Taxi man, a Delivery Driver or City worker. (Right click with keys to unlock your vehicle for delivery/taxi)
Hit e on boxes for city workers

[Image: IQFqNmHpoeJ86lAYccrs1SoJmU6uiTf3fJ-dJtwi...TePGjznCVw]

As previously mentioned there are also other methods. You can try fishing by purchasing a fishing rod and heading to the pier, or maybe you found your way to the Blackmarket or Drug Dealer NPC where you will be prompted with various illegal items for sale.

Drug Dealer


The drug dealer is the lower tier cultivator, dealing mostly in marijuana. From him you can purchase some potted plants and special water jugs in order to cultivate your own supply. Find a secure location, an abandoned building or slum to inhabit and begin watering and growing!

To grow weed your essential ingredients will be Marijuana seeds, a Growing pot, soil and lots of water. Place the pot down then drop both seeds and soil, grab the items with your hands by right clicking and place them inside the pot. Once both are placed inside the pot you should hit E on the pot to interact with the growing menu. From the growing menu you may water the plant, adjust the temperature and humidity through each stage of growth and finally harvest the weed.

Experiment with the weed in order to find the best quality! (and smoke it!)

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At the Blackmarket NPC the lockpick and restraints are good tools for both burglary and muggings, while the Drug Processor is the main tool of drug cultivation. The Drug Processor takes the higher tier bricks of narcotics only available to established criminal Factions, you can obtain these by doing drug deals with players who are members of these elite criminal organisations or attempt to join them yourself and become a member of their ranks. This aspect of the gamemode stems to encourage and reward social based play, interacting and roleplaying with other players will always yield higher profits.

Once a drug is cultivated there are various NPC buyers placed around the map for each specific narcotic.

There are truly infinite ways to make money, running your own hustle or being creative can yield not only profit but also a fun time. 

Basic Social Interaction & Communication

As mentioned many times before, this gamemode is very social, the gameplay actively encourages you to take player jobs, talk to people, make connections, friends, associates and deals to rise through the ranks and increase both your profit and power. 

The best way to start with that is to get some basic cash going, newcomers to the city are often brushed aside or ignored. You need to start getting a reputation going, getting some cash and heading to the clothing store to get some drip going is a great way to increase the likelihood of people talking to you.

Generally it’s accepted and recommended that you head to some sort of business, a restaurant, café, apartment complex, and see if they’re hiring, either waiters, cooks or security usually. Getting a basic job and interacting with the members of these gangs will increase your reputation with them and make them trust you more, as well as making some cash on the side. The better you are at working your job the more likely they are to invite you into closer circles and include you in the more lucrative side of things…

It’s recommended you do not use 3rd party VOIP programs like skype/discord to communicate while in game. Use in-game voice comms instead to avoid instances of metagame. We have both an in-game phone and radio to compensate for this.
[Image: V1oiFEdsmSv6QnIhlfOkwKDptorqLqyBRO1duTC-...a_MoAqYSPk]
[Image: YH4eR-RumAuWWBUxaDIFw5ke8lOLovjnNdU2RfGf...STcakuLiR4]

You can even buy the pager in the electronic store, which works similar to an email messaging system, full guide here:

We hope you meet fun and interesting people to form connections with during your time on Diverge, and remember, it’s a video game, don’t beef too hard with other people.

Server Map

New York:

Legal Roleplay

Not everyone wants to be a criminal, there are a plethora of legal options for you to take. You can become a lawyer or a judge, get your career started in politics and government or even join the Police Force. The avenues for legal roleplay are much larger and more immersive than most other servers.

For a basic law rp intro I recommend you read this thread:

If you want to join the police force you should make your way over to the Police Station in game and/or join the appropriate Police discord.

NYPD (New York): https://discord.gg/4QB9a4gnzb

Controls / Commands / Misc.

F1 - Opens your menu screen, allowing access to your character and inventory tab at the top.
[Image: KD25xWZGNXywWle5OrDipmh9V7v78d6dhk6Xk-y1...jnjSw3QVAQ]
[Image: xWmJCpgXOp-_J6m_fm9_8u4GFldKCdJayDvtAzSK...b1yk2krjw8]

F3 - Allows you to give out your identity to people around you
[Image: SVq4eu29eYDGYT_CkMIiCnw33eK_r886jTH4KYDi...3dhXe8dpYo]

F4 -Thirdperson view.

To use voice chat use your Microphone key. (Default is X)
To use text chat use the chat keys (Y or U)

Basic chat commands.

/me - use this to represent a physical roleplay action in game.
/w - Whispers. Reduces chat range
/y - Yelling, increases chat range
/ooc or // - Allows you to chat in Global out of Character chat. [For casual unrelated chat with all players]
/looc - Local out of character chat. Chats with the people around you about things you can’t say in roleplay.
@ - This is used to contact an admin

You can also interact with players by looking at them and opening your context menu (Default button is C)

The context menu also works on cars and when inside of cars.
[Image: EycOVjIdIJOv7DJPzEYV1ItTj_y-KuMij9g8eMXe...zav0LPj2Hg]

Requesting to search them asks them if they consent to a search. (Useful for security jobs)

Giving money will give them money.

Tying a player will attempt to restrain them if you have restraints

Allowing recognition allows you to give them your identity.

Holding E or your interact button will also give you the option to give your identity.
[Image: RPAxvDXtAjt3RbF5kanKqtuuCSkNJy62OyHMRzGh...Yf3FnhJlx4]

You can equip items from the inventory screen. Right click them
[Image: AOlV5HHGFud92niJrFZq5u_84z9GAiAFuBx1hYmV...L8LGWsXWOY]

You can use your hands to pick up objects by right clicking

You can use your keys to unlock / lock doors and vehicles you own
-Right click is unlock
-Left click is lock
[Image: sPjP_S3Ji49OD9S8tLmnnnPocvD-e7MpRyFoDBou...4aR3zGqXYo]

You can view your hunger bar in the context menu. Top left.

[Image: O9v2soRU1l8zgMW26l_cGoai0u2F5SX_5g7Ur2ar...jM-pJF6B0A]

Bank accounts: 




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User Administration

To dispute a ban or apologize for a ban file a ban appeal here:


Please follow the format and create a new thread.

To dispute a PK file a character appeal here:


Please follow the format and create a new thread.

To report a rulebreak you can do so in the player reports here:


Please follow the format and create a new thread.

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