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More Guns? Utilize them better


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So instead of adding more class ones, give the ones we have access to some more spice. AKA the Revolvers, modify the gun and allow us to fan the six-rounds. People out here straight BITCHING about class 1's, well let us use the least used guns a bit more frequently by allowing for the gun to be swapped to a fanning action, Highly inaccurate and disallow ADS while the option is opted. (Only six rounds, cant really do much harm if you miss 🙏)

Also, is the whole Revolvers dropping shell casings on PK's ever gonna be changed, I know it might rely on heavy scripting so it really isn't that deep, but it'd be neat for RP

(I don't care which revolvers can do this, just one of them would suffice tbh) 

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With the new laws, more gun variety would go far. 

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No bro he is saying that they need to boost it but we really just need more class 1,s and melees I would love to see different type glocks, more revolvers, different kinds of pistols 

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+1 Good idea 

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