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PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Cillian Bergulio

SteamID: 76561198092434055

Your Discord ID#: slugtrail1

Date of PK: March 8th 2025

Reason for PK: Item transferring a rose gold flamingo chain 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: 

I believe this situation is unfair because it was a genuine mistake. During the transfer, "Housefire" was assisting me by acting as a model. In the process, he accidentally forgot to return 1 item to the correct character.(Flamingo Rose Gold Chain) I had another character with some items I intended to purchase on my main character to sell in my catalogue so i had "Housefire" model them for me so i can work on my catalogue sooner then waiting to purchase the items and having him model again, and when he returned the item, he mistakenly gave 1 to the wrong character, and neither of us noticed at the time.

The logs show that I dropped several items, which he then picked up and equipped. Afterward, he unequipped them and dropped them again, with some of those items belonging to my other character. I have no prior offenses or warnings regarding item transfers, and I would never have intentionally broken the rules. This was clearly an accident on my part, and I believe it was equally an accident on "Housefire’s" part, given the large number of items (around 30-40 clothing items) we were handling.

No PK rule was violated, and I believe the PK is unfair because the rule break was unintentional. While I understand the need for consequences, I feel that a ban may be justified, given that I did technically break the rules—even if it was unintentional. Additionally, I admit that I lied to "Dutchcat" during the admin sit, which was unnecessary. At the time, I had no idea what was going on, as this occurred over two months ago, and I was scared when I was told I was getting PK’d over it. I’ve invested a lot of time into this character, and I acted out of confusion and fear.

I understand what I did was really stupid but it was in fact an accident as well as i do understand if my appeal does not get accepted, I should have been more observant during this process because item transfer is a pk able offense but it was 1 stupidly cheap over spawned in item that did not benefit my main char what so ever. However, considering the accidental nature of the incident, I don’t think a PK is appropriate in this case

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I have 30+ pictures from the photoshoot will DM to anyone if needed

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Hello PKing and Banning Administrator here,

Like I mentioned towards housefire was the reason of this pk is because I saw in the logs the Item Transfer within 3 minutes. I can understand the situation of forgetting that you item transferred with a photoshoot of a few dozen items, however when I checked logs to confirm everything with chatlogs etc, (during the time I brought you and told you you'd be pk'd for it) I saw a namechange log you never reported yourself neither that you perhaps have been accidentally name change prompted by a Staff Member, knowing you were a felon and your characters name got reversed, you decided to tell me the thing about Pendred with the 'charid has 69 in it story' which made me consider you were lying to me (also about that same item scenario)


43 minutes ago, SlugTrail said:

1 stupidly cheap over spawned in item that did not benefit my main char what so ever

I have to disagree with this, you 'did not benefit your main character' whilst you never sold it perhaps you did have (still have) the item in your inventory from a different character, other topis is that people say an item is worthless doesnt give them a 'free' item transfer 'pass'. It would've been understandable if this certain item had been around a few other players in a few weeks of time and someone sold it back to you without they and you knowing it originally came from another character of yours.

Edited by xDutchCat
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+1 An instant Pk, without any former punishments, over a rose gold chain is crazy. It's worth 1 day of pure grinding, not worth pking a god knows how old character over it. 

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+1 He had no prior incidents before hand and all over a practically worthless chain, I feel like it is obviously a mistake on both parties and SlugTrail does not deserve his char to be pk'd.

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